I Like Fridays...I Like Mondays?

A large majority of people (or at least working people that I know) like Fridays.  It's the last day of the week.  The weekend is right ahead.  And sometimes you get paid on a Friday.  (I had one job where I was paid each and every Friday...it was pretty nice.)

I still like Fridays, but I also like Mondays.  Does that sound crazy? I actually have a co-worker who agrees with me.  (I may have more than one.)  Why do we like Fridays AND Mondays?  We still have to work, but we don't have to be in the office.  Yes, we like working remotely ALOT more than we like going to the office.

Mondays I still get the same amount of work done as I do every other day.  However, I get up later, I (try to) exercise longer.   Good for me.  I still log on at approximately the same time as I would if I was in the office.  I may take a few more breaks during the day, however, I stay online longer.  There's no rushing to get ready for work, there's no waiting for the bus. (Or, more recently, wondering if the bus is going to show up on the way home...there have been a lot of delays lately.  And I think NJ Transit needs to get working on improving the bus portion of their app as buses falls off the line up and sometimes pop back up when you least expect it.  Or they're never there at all, but the bus shows up anyway.)  I am not saying that work is any less stressful than it might be if I were in the office.  Work stress goes up and down, just like life stress.  (And many times when you least expect it.)  But at least when I am home, I am often able to find creature comforts to alleviate that stress somewhat.  (Not always though.)  I can take a quick walk.  I can cry into a pillow.  I can jump into a shower and scream.  Can't be done in an office, now can it.

Now much of the stress that I deal with on Tuesday-Thursday is of my own making.  Commuting has always raised my anxiety level.  Perhaps after having a few years where I didn't commute makes this new pattern more stressful for me?  And I'll admit that as more and more people return (are forced?) back to an office, the buses and trains get more crowded and my stress level goes up.  (Does anyone find a crowded bus fun?)  Yes, I try to find the calm where I can.  (I do a lot of reading while waiting.  Helpful tip, do NOT read books that might raise your anxiety level.  The Johnstown Flood by David McCullough was excellent, but it didn't make for a good commute read.  Counterfeit by Kristen Chen was a much better option for me.)  Sometimes I listen to music or podcasts.  (Doesn't work well for me though as there can be a lot of extraneous noise...especially on the commute home where I can hear multiple phone conversations at once.  I truly wanted to tell the man in front of me the other night who was obviously lecturing a subordinate employee that he was an ass, but I refrained.)  Nonetheless, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are just not my favorite days.

I'm lucky that I CAN work from home two days a week.  (Although I'd like more...who wouldn't?)  I like being able to ease into my work week on Monday by NOT having to rush to an office.  I like to be able to slow down on Friday and go grocery shopping early in the morning and not have to worry about getting somewhere "in time."  (I've also noticed that the buses are a lot less full on Friday mornings.  I'm guessing it's the same for Mondays.)  Now that the weather is getting warmer, I LOVE being able to work from my "patio office."  The view is much better than the office.  The green grass, the blue skies, the yellow sun...how can you not love that?  While I enjoy the companionship of (some of) my co-workers, nothing beats nature!  (And being able to grab the snack you want when you want.)

So while Fridays are still rate the highest on the scale of best days of the work week, Monday has moved into second place.  I like Monday. How about you?


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