Unexpected #2 : The Ultimate Fab Soy Bomb
I gave a reflection at church on Sunday about unexpectedness. I had not expected to speak on Sunday. And I found a parallel in the teachings of Christ. (To see what I said see: https://bfthsboringblog.blogspot.com/2021/03/unexpected.html ) I was still at the church (though now working in the thrift shop) when I saw that I had missed a call from my husband. He didn't leave a message, so I called him back. And he gave me some more unexpected news; news that nearly made me drop to the ground. Our good friend Ed had died. Despite the fact that Ed had been battling cancer for more years than I can remember, the news was shocking; like being punched in the gut. As the news traveled around our social circle, everyone was stunned. Ed was larger than life...he was outgoing in the best of ways. He was everybody's friend; the uncle that you wished you had. As far as I can recall he was always upbeat and positive; ...