Back To School Night

The other night was Back to School Night for my son's high school. Of course since school is all remote (at least until November; when the 2nd quarter begins), this annual event looked a little different. The administrative portion was pre-recorded and you could choose who to listen to and when. (Or who not to...did I say that?) Classes were 10 minutes long and teachers had the option to pre-record a presentation (which 4 of my son's 9 teachers did) or do present via Google Meet. I know all teachers are working really hard to make this school year work. (I think for the most part, EVERYONE is working really hard to make this year work!) So this year, more than ever, I wanted to make sure that I attended. I have to say that doing Back to School Night via computer was less stressful and easier than in person. Sure I had to clean up my office somewhat. (I had to make sure that I kept the door shut so that the camera wouldn't see ...