Out of Control
You may recall a post about a week ago about my trip to NYC for a training session. (If you missed it: https://bfthsboringblog.blogspot.com/2020/01/illusion-of-control.html ) As I said then, most of the time I have an illusion of control, but when I travel to NYC, I have none. Today, the universe decided to show me just how true that is. Let me also say, that I realize that I am no Albert Einstein, but I am relatively intelligent. Not brilliant, but intelligent. (Moreover, smart enough to know that I should look both ways before crossing the street.) With that said, I prepared for this trip. What I could control, I tried to control. Therefore, I bought my bus tickets in advance. I checked the bus schedule on line. I checked out the subway line I was to take and knew the stop before mine (so that I could be prepared). I even dug out the metro card I had from a previous trip knowing that it still had some money...