Something About Third
My son just "graduated" from third grade. Before he entered third, I'd been told that this was THE year. The transition year when school work becomes more focused and the foundation on which everything else is based. I have to admit this made me nervous, so I reached out to his teacher early and my husband and I made sure that he if he needed help, he got it. (And once again we were blessed to have a teacher who was there to work with us so that our son got the best third grade experience he could have.) I think third grade was special for him. He's come away with a maturity and new found confidence (which I hope continues to grow). I know my memories of third grade are still strong after all these years. Those memories were reinforced by the fact that my son was in the same classroom as I was all those years ago. While my third grade teacher was the stern Mrs. Williams, that same room is now occupied by the nurturing Mrs. R. Going in for the first time i