What Is This White Stuff?

Spring is 20 days away. It's been 68 (or 69 depending on when you read this) since the winter solstice. Between then and yesterday here in Northern NJ, we've had no real snow to speak of. Yes, we've had flurries. Maybe we've had more than flurries. (I'm thinking of that one day when it came down pretty heavily, but never amounted to more than a dusting on the ground that was gone almost as quickly as it arrived.) We've had a few bitter cold days. (Who wanted to go out on Christmas Eve when temperatures were in the single digits with real feel being in the negative numbers?) Mostly the days were above average temperatures. (There was actually a day where I uncovered one of my patio chairs and sat out for about 20 minutes in the sun; then the clouds came and I was out of there!) As much as I like the warmer days; as happy as I was that I didn't have to shovel; I KNEW no snow in December, January and February couldn't ...