
Showing posts from November, 2021

November 30th

  It is the last day of the month of November.  How did we get here?  Seriously!  For me this month has been a hodge podge of bizarre days that have merged into one massive blob of hours.  How did I get here? Now the end of the year is always a crazy time.  (I know we still have a month to go...and that's frightening.)  It's the busiest time for work, busiest time for church events (and volunteering for them)...I've been running in so many directions this month I can't believe it's all over.  (The month that is.) So what did I DO this month? I voted.  Yes it was different (    but that didn't make it any less important.  (Especially on the governor level where it was unclear for a while who would be the governor for the next 4 years.  And how about the "truck driver" who bested the long time NJ State Senator while spending next to nothing to do it?  Don't ever say your

Random rambling: 3 AM Thanksgiving Morning

Its 3:00 on Thanksgiving morning and my husband is downstairs watching or getting ready to watch the Beatles Get Back , a documentary film by Peter Jackson. (If you didn’t know this; you should)  This is like Christmas morning and his birthday all wrapped up in one. He is a hardcore Beatles fan and this is THE DAY of days. If this were a different time or a different year I would probably be down there with him watching. (I still remember Anthology Thanksgiving of 1995.) I should be down there watching with him. I am (or maybe I was?) a huge Beatle fan but right now life is a little crazy. There was a time when I was a true Beatles expert, but I cannot claim that in 2021. Life is a little topsy-turvy. I am completely out of sorts and confused.   I'm not exactly sure where this month went or where it is going. It started on a high. We went as a three-person family up to one of my favorite places, Skytop. We had a wonderful time. Then we came home and it all came crashing down.

The Gift of Caring

 I received a gift the other day.  It was unexpected and it wasn't something that I thought I needed, but I was wrong. It was a beautifully knitted shawl; made by a group of women.  (I'm assuming this because it is my experience that most knitters are women.)  I don't know who these women are.  I have an idea of who one or more of them might be, but I don't know who knitted it.  I don't know if it was made by one person, or if they shared the task.  All I know is that it was gifted to me as part of the group's prayer shawl ministry. (Please note this photo does not do it justice.) I knew of the group, but never considered becoming a member.  For one, they meet during a day and although I could call the hour that they knit, pray and (I'm assuming again) talk, the day they meet is the one that I have the most weekly meetings, so it wasn't really possible for me.  The other reason is that I’m not really a knitter.  I have knitted in the past.  I mean th

The Most Important Play Performance EVER

 Theater is important.  I have always said that.  It has become more apparent with the pandemic when there could be no theater.  Theater is vital to our lives.  Theater is vital to our well-being.  Never was that more obvious to me than last night.  But first let me digress... Back in the last century (the 1980s if you must know), I got involved in my high school theater group in my sophomore year as a member of the chorus of "Mame."    I was hooked.  I was involved in most every production thereafter.  In college I minored in drama (I really should have double majored, but...) I was involved on stage and off.  For good and bad, theater shaped my life. I wanted my son to be involved in theater when he was in the middle school, but he wasn't interested.  However he did attend several week long summer theater camps where within 4-1/2 days kids from 4 up would learn a "show" and then perform it on Friday afternoons.  Were the shows perfect?  No.  Were they good


 It became abundantly clear to me at 3 AM this morning that I am an addict.  I am a junkie.  I'm not talking about drugs or alcohol; I'm talking about books.  Not necessarily a printed one on paper.  I'm perfectly happy with a something on my Nook.  But I NEED a book to read at all times. This all came to me in the darkness.  I couldn't sleep so I picked up Elin Hilderbrand's  The Castaway's.   I didn't want to read; solely because this was the only book I had brought with me to my parents.  Yes, I have a Nook at home which is full of at least 30 books that I have yet read, along with at least another 50 or so that I have (and of those 50 at least 20 would be worth reading again if I had nothing else to do). I don't know why I decided not to bring it with me (maybe I was fooling myself and thinking I would not be here for very long.) Once I finished  The Castaways  I would have nothing else to read.  Yes, there are books in this house.  I have read most

What A Difference a Week Makes

  Life can be one heck of a roller coaster ride.  So many ups and downs.  Sometimes they come way too fast and you just want to throw up.  Other times it is exciting, thrilling, and full of fun.  This past week has brought me both. Last Saturday morning I woke up to this beautiful view:   This morning I woke up to this view:   Last Saturday I had a delicious breakfast served to me: Since it's not overly obvious, this is an apple cider mimosa rimmed with cinnamon sugar.  (I know what the ingredients I have to figure out how to make it!  I've found recipes on line, but they don't use all the ingredients that were in this one and I need to know the ratio of alcohol to juice.  And where can I find cinnamon sticks?) I have yet to get myself breakfast, but here's my morning caffeine:   (It's not just a coffee from Wawa ; although there's nothing wrong with that.  It's a handcrafted Pumpkin Spice Maple Harvest [I hope I got that right] latte WITH whipped

Juggling and Dancing

  I learned how to juggle when I was in my twenties.  I learned using Koosh balls (does anyone remember those) which were easy to grab.  I was never very good at it, but I COULD do it.  And I still can (sort of).  I still need to use Koosh balls and can only do so for a few seconds of time, but I CAN to it. I am much better at juggling many tasks in my life.  I'm not saying that I'm great at it.  I don't think you necessarily CAN be great.  Maybe you shouldn't because you are not truly focused on one thing.  Being truly focused on one this can be very important. (You definitely want your surgeon to be hyper focused and NOT juggling.)  However, sometimes life requires that you juggle.   Right now I'm juggling a lot.  (Which you may know if you've been reading anything I've posted recently.)  I've metaphorically got a LOT of balls in the air and doing my best not to drop them!  As I write this I am: Ball #1 Working remotely (as I have been since Ma

Thursday Thankings: 11/11/21

 November seems to be a month dedicated to being thankful.  It seems like Thursday thankings are a "thing."  If it is, it is a "thing" that I could get into.  If it's not it's still something I could get into; even though we are already on the 2nd Thursday of the month and it's Veteran's Day. It goes without saying that we NEED to thank our Veterans.  Not just on this day that is dedicated to them, but every time we have the opportunity.  Without the service of our veterans we would not be here.  Our lives would not be as blessed if it were not for them.  No matter where we are in our lives, we ARE blessed.  It may not always seem that way, but when you look at the BIG picture (and I know that's not easy to do), we are blessed.  So to all Veteran's:  THANK YOU! There are several other people who are at the top of my mind who I would like to thank this Thursday.  Specifically I want to call out Zoe and Alika (I so hope I spelled that right) wh

Being An Adult Can Be Scary

  When you are a kid, you think being an adult is cool.  You can do whatever you want right?  Life is easy!  No one to tell you what to do.  You don't have to go to school.  You can eat what you want.  You can sleep in late.  Being an adult is fun and easy. Then you become an adult and you realize it's not all that and a bag of chips.  (Is that still a saying?).  You've got responsibilities as an adult and life can be hard.  You've got to take care of yourself.  You've got bills to pay.  You've got a boss to report to.  It's not easy. But it gets easier when you find a partner, right?  A husband or a wife that you can rely on who will help you take care of things.  It's true that a spouse can make things a little bit easier, but being an adult is still rife with responsibilities that can be scary.  With or without a partner, we all need support.  We REQUIRE support. When it comes to children, we all know the saying:  "it takes a village."

Making the Best of It

There's the old saying:  when life hands you the lemon, make lemonade.  Or when life hands you lemons pull out the tequila and start making margaritas.  (I think I'd rather go for the later, but I'm not a big lemon fan...I'd rather go for a strawberry margarita!) Either is good advice in my book.  Or maybe if you are a David Lynch fan, you'll find that gold shovel to dig yourself out of the shit.  Where is Dr. Amp when I need him?  I need several gold shovels to dig my way out!  Yes, things in my world have started to pile on and it feels like the shit is making its way up past my knees and may be at my waist!  (That's a lot of shit!) My point is when life starts to go a little "wonky" in my world (and believe me it's gone from heaven to hell recently), I'm TRYING to take the attitude that even with the stress and strain, you can find a ray of sunshine.  That’s when you NEED to find a ray of sunshine or anything that can lift you up, even if ju

The First Tuesday In November

 You know what that means?  I hope you least if you are here in the USA.  It's Election Day and if you are of age you should be registered and you should get out there and VOTE.  No, it's not a national election (no President involved), but it is an election and as we've learned time and time again, every vote counts.  Your opinion counts.  But only if you cast that ballot. Last year, I  voted  early by "mailing" in my ballot (placing it in the "mailbox" outside the police station).  This year I had the option to do that, to go physically in person on a variety of dates to a polling place (one that is not where I usually go, but it not too far from my house) or vote in person as I usually do at my local district elementary school.  This is what I chose to do. Now things have changed.  Things have even changed since I voted in May (town council vote).  It's not the same process and not necessarily the same people on staff.  And I'm goi