Check the pockets
Much of the time I feel like I live in a whirlwind. I'm sure I'm not alone. It's a world of go, Go, GO! There is so much to do and remember. Not that any of it is particularly vital, but at any given time I've got all these little items floating around in my mind. Things to do; things to buy. I make lists in my mind and then forget to write them down. There's work, family, community...all part of my life and all grabbing for a piece of my time. I'm not saying it's bad. Nor is it good. But I let myself get run in so many different directions. I think that's why I forget stuff. And I need to slow down; take my time when I do things. Rushing really doesn't move things along any faster. I may think it does, but in reality it doesn't. That's something we all need to learn. Nothing illustrates this point more than last weekend... It started early. Friday was the last day of school (specifically my son's last day of