A Beautiful Autumn Morning
I went out for my daily walk this morning. It was a bit chilly, so instead of the usual t-shirt and shorts, I had on a sweatshirt and made sure I had a good pair of socks too. (I often go sockless ; yes I have stinky sneakers.) It was a perfect morning for walking. Cool; maybe even a bit brisk. The deer were out enjoying the dawn too. There were plenty of dog walkers out as well; wearing their sweats to keep the early morning chill at bay. It was indeed a beautiful autumn morning. Just one small problem; it’s the end of July! Now I'm NOT complaining. I'm not one who likes to huff, puff and sweat through a humid 90+ degree morning in the summer. I'm thrilled to sleep at night with the windows open. I'm not a big fan of the "white noise" of our window air conditioning unit. I much prefer sleeping with all the windows open and listening to the sounds of nature and I wish I knew what insects make those "hushing" noises. It's