
Showing posts from September, 2018

Don't Believe Her...

...because she's a woman. Don't dismiss him because he's a man. Don't judge her because she dresses differently or doesn't conform to your norm. Don't avoid him because of his it a different color, pierced or inked. "Good" people don't look a certain way.  "Bad" people don't look "evil."  "Good" people can do bad things.   Everybody lies.  Sometimes about big things; sometimes about little.  Everybody lies.  Not all the time...well maybe some do, but...Everybody lies. Everybody makes mistakes. Some big; some small. Mistakes make us human.  There is no shame in making a mistake; there IS shame in not admitting to it and accepting the consequences. It's time to listen carefully.  To make up our OWN minds; not randomly listen to shouting from one side or another. Inside every human being, and it doesn't matter if that person is a man or woman, is a brain and a heart.  We need to liste

Perfectly Imperfect: Michael Nesmith & the First National Band Redux

I started blogging in 2013.  I blogged because I had been to a concert that so moved me that I HAD to share it.  I  HAD to write down the experience; even if there hadn't been an internet I would have done it.  But there was and so I shared my experience online and thus began Bfth's Boring Blog. Here is that first post: Photo from April 2013 concert Not the greatest piece of writing; not even my best post, but it started me on this path.  It was because of this event that I got on this track. I have always been a writer, for better or for worse.  Michael Nesmith's concert back in 2013 was the catalyst that started me writing regularly.  For that I am eternally grateful. Five years later (give or take), he took his newly re-formed band, The First National Band Redux (which includes sons Christian and Jonathan) out for a spin in California.  This resulted in the phenomenal album, 

So I Lied...Thanx For the Ride...

A month or so ago, I said this: I lied... Not intentionally.  I really believed what I wrote. But...I may be "old" but sometimes you have to be impulsive.  Impulsive is not necessarily a bad thing.  On occasion. As a result you get a most memorable night. And this.... And...  A night of music and stories that fill your heart and soul.  There's so much floating around in my head right now.  So many things...thoughts and feelings that I will NEED to put on to the page (or onto the blog as the case may be).  But right now, I'm going to climb into bed and TRY to get some sleep, even as my mind is racing. There WILL be more to say...but for now, I'll close as Michael Nesmith and The First National Band Redux did tonight, their last night of the tour, with the words..."Thanx for the ride."

Signs Defined.

Life can be hard.  We've all got things to do.  Sometimes are burdens are heavier than others.  Sometimes we just can't focus as well as we'd like to.  It's okay.  It happens to all of us. But when you are behind the wheel of a car or any other motor vehicle, you really SHOULD do your best to focus on the task at hand.  The task at hand is DRIVING. (Did I really need to say that?)  Not talking on the phone.  Not texting.  Not putting on lipstick.  Not even changing the radio station.  I'm not saying that you shouldn't do those things...that's what red lights are for, right? Now that we've established that you should be focused on driving while driving, if you would consider the following:  there are A LOT of road signs out there!  They are provide important information that you need to know and will help you on your way!  To help out, let me provide some basic definitions of what some of these signs mean: Pretty straight forward.  STOP.  Not j

Thrift Shopping

Although I love a good bargain (who doesn't?), I was not a thrift store shopper until 2012.  Unemployed that fall (and into the early part of 2013), I lent a helping hand to my church's annual trash and treasure sale.  A behemoth of a project that took a week to set up for one day of shopping and several days of breaking down.  While it brought in much needed cash for the church (a smallish one with lots of good will, but not a lot of money for upkeep and mission) it was a royal pain in the you know what.  Or at least that's what I could see from my limited participation.  (I was not and had never been in charge; bless the saints that were!) The brains (and brawn) behind the project, came up with the idea of using space in the church basement (which was rarely used) to open a thrift shop.  Since I was unemployed, this new project was something I wanted to be a part of.  Originally open only on Tuesday from 10-1, the thrift shop eventually expanded to Saturdays from 1

More Than Just a Cup of Coffee

I'm a coffee drinker.  Make that a HOT coffee drinker.  (Iced?  No way!  Coffee Ice Cream maybe, but cold coffee?  Blech!)  No tea for this gal.  (Unless it's iced and sweet.)  I'm lucky that I'm married to a man who makes great coffee.  (Although this skill has taken some time to perfect.)  We've gone through several coffee makers in our 22 years together and each purchase has been carefully researched and well thought out. Though I can easily survive a morning without coffee, I do like my morning cup.  And while for the most part, I have my coffee at home and/or take it with me when I go to work, there are occasions where I purchase my coffee from Dunkin Donuts or Wawa.  (It's just about time for me to hunt down a bag of Wawa Pumpkin Spice.)  Although rare, I've been known to visit a coffee house for a special treat. In all my years, there are three coffee houses that have a special place in my heart.  They all have excellent coffee and other treats,

An All Too Brief Vacation Part 6/Finale: All Good Things Come To An End...

( I am finally getting around to wrapping this up nearly a month after our long weekend get away.  In case you missed the previous installments, or want to review: , , , , and .  I feel it's fitting that I finish this up and post on the my 22nd anniversary.  Happy Anniversary Steve!) I'd love to say that our final day dawned brightly when I didn't.  I had never planned to rush home (especially since there had been flooding in our area on Saturday and I was dreading what I might find in our basement) and I had even