Don't Believe Her...
...because she's a woman. Don't dismiss him because he's a man. Don't judge her because she dresses differently or doesn't conform to your norm. Don't avoid him because of his it a different color, pierced or inked. "Good" people don't look a certain way. "Bad" people don't look "evil." "Good" people can do bad things. Everybody lies. Sometimes about big things; sometimes about little. Everybody lies. Not all the time...well maybe some do, but...Everybody lies. Everybody makes mistakes. Some big; some small. Mistakes make us human. There is no shame in making a mistake; there IS shame in not admitting to it and accepting the consequences. It's time to listen carefully. To make up our OWN minds; not randomly listen to shouting from one side or another. Inside every human being, and it doesn't matter if that person is a man or woman, is a brain and a heart. We need to liste