
Showing posts from October, 2024

2 Months

 When I woke up this morning, I realized that it was 2 months ago that we officially purchased the house in  the Poconos.  (Which means on Thursday it will be 3 months since I sold my mother's house at the Jersey shore.  The dry autumn thus far you can thank me for.  I was such a wreck every time we had a storm at the shore that I couldn't take it.  Now that I've sold the house, there's been no storm.  You're welcome.)  I hadn't been thinking about it at all until last night when we got our NJ mail and there was the formalized title/deed/paperwork sitting in our mailbox.  A reminder that this is really real.  (As if all the furniture that I've bought, the movers, the electric and water bills, etc. didn't make it really enough!) Two months ago I/we bought a house. I'm in my mid/late 50s (ouch) and I opened myself to the possibility of living somewhere else other than where I have been for most of my life.  It's exciting.  It's...

(Almost) Fully Furnished: Life at Bfth's Pocono Perfection.

 Friday morning the final (for now) furniture delivery arrived at our home.  We now have a dining room table and chairs, as well as a smaller table and 2 chairs for the "breakfast nook."  While we still need to put some finishing touches on the house (artwork needs to go on the walls,  may need a chair in the primary bedroom, and other decorative items), at this point our house is pretty much finished and where we envisioned it. So welcome to Bfth's Pocono Perfection! Pull on up and come on in. Look out from the front porch area and take in the colors on autumn. In the foyer/entryway you there is a small "tribute" to my parents and their love of the NJ shore.  There is another area by the front bay window that honors them.  (Foster's Famous Crab Stick lives on!) It's part of the living room area. But today's pride and joy is the dining room table and chairs. There's also the "breakfast nook" which separates the "bar" from the ...

The Annual Pumpkin Picture

  Not unlike the annual birthday photo (where I wear the same top and shorts [or at least the same color shorts/skirt] along with jewelry that I wore the day my son was born), the annual pumpkin photo started for no real reason.  It just happened.  And now it's (sort of) tradition.  (Although I don't think we did it last year, my son's first year in college.  Or if we did, I can't find the photo.  Of course I have A LOT of photos. If I recall correctly (and I'll admit my memory is getting shakier as I age, something that I am NOT thrilled with), it was AFTER Halloween when my husband took the first photo of my toddler son and I with pumpkins.  I say this because my son and I are wearing the same thing that we wore for our first family photo with Santa.  (That's a tradition that I really miss.)  I'm assuming this photo was taken the same day (after we visited Santa) which would have been mid-November of 2006, right before Thanksgiving. It wa...

Why We Are NOT a Christian Nation

  You are probably saying to yourself, "Bfth, it's obvious why.  It's in the Constitution!"  You are correct, the first amendment (that would be the one BEFORE the second amendment, the one which clearly states that "A well regulated Militia , being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.") says:  "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."  Very clearly we CANNOT be a Christian nation because of separation of church and state.  (It's also why we can't be a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, etc.)  So, yes, it's very clear that we are NOT a Christian nation. With that clearly stated out (did it need to be?), the reason I felt the need to ...

Part 2: Hot Days and Endless Queues or...

 ...observations of visit to WDW in the autumn when crowds used to be low. During my recent vacation to WDW, I visited all 4 of the "main" parks.  I covered the first two  here  and now it's time to talk about Hollywood Studios and the place where it really all began (in my book), Magic Kingdom. Hollywood Studios:   We (my friend/roomie, MAC, and myself) headed over the morning of my first FULL day (Sunday).  We arrived via Skyliner, which probably took more time than if we had walked (where is the path?) or taken the boat.  However, I had never traveled on the Skyliner and was glad to check it out.  A LOT has changed since my last visit, so there was a lot to take in.  We headed back to Star Wars:  Galaxy's Edge (that's a mouthful) first as we anticipated it would be the most crowded.  I had been told that Rise of the Resistance was a MUST and there was a single...