There Ought To Be A Law?
It's the last day of March as I write this. Although the bitter chill of winter is still upon us (and there is yet another threat of now), it IS officially Spring. For Christians, we have just entered Holy Week (the most important week of the Christian Calendar) and Easter is just five days away (unless you are Orthodox, but that's a whole other story). I have big plans for a fun Easter Egg hunt this weekend (more on that in a future post). I have stuffed over 100 plastic eggs with treats. For many, Spring vacation has already come. In my school district, there are only 11-1/2 weeks left until summer vacation. I have already made plans for the summer; there are various camps that my son will attend and I am plotting out what activities he might do when not at sleep away camp or attending Marine Science Camp at the NJ Shore. I may still have to wear a winter coat, but winter is over. Christmas was three months ago (thirteen weeks and 5 days if you're counti