
Showing posts from March, 2016

Spring Break?

Spring has officially been here for a little over a week and I am FREEZING!  (Yes, this post is about the weather!)  I had put away the winter coats and I am loathing bringing them back out again, but with rumors of the "s" word next week, I may have to.  (You know what that word is, don't you?  I don't dare say it out loud.) Next week is spring break for my son.  I know some schools had break last week (before Easter).  Some have it this week (making my morning commute in a bit easier).  My son has it next week. In the past few years he and my husband have traveled with my in laws on spring break to locations south of us. (I don't get a spring break vacation.  I get to go to work.  My only "break" is that when they are away I have the house to myself to do what I want.  Of course after a long day at work, mostly what I want to do is just collapse.  My "treat" when they return home is laundry.)  This year my son will be "flying solo&q

5th Grade Memories...

Once upon a time (a longer time ago than I care to admit), I was in Ms. Dipietro's 5th grade class.  (It's been so long that I'm not even sure that's how you spell her name.)   Back then, 5th grade was part of the elementary school; today it is part of the middle school.  My son is currently in 5th grade and I expect his memories of 5th grade will be very different from mine. Despite the fact that it was decades ago, I still have some pretty clear memories of 5th grade.  Although I may not be clear on the spelling of her name, I remember Ms. Dipietro very clearly; her warm smile, her longish brunette hair and the hoop earrings that she wore.  (As I had just gotten my ears pierced that summer earrings made a BIG impact on me.)  Her classroom was toward the back of the school (northwest side).  I think we both dressed up as gypsies that Halloween.  (Lots of scarves and big hoop earrings; it was really "cool" back then.)  She taught us some Spanish (foreign

Ups and Downs

Christians entered Holy Week yesterday with the triumphant sound of Palm Sunday.  I love the excitement of the music and the waving of the palms.  We're on a "high" as we recall Jesus' triumphant entrance.   The "high" continues the following Sunday as Christians celebrate the resurrection on Easter.  It's one big party of bunnies, colored eggs, chocolate candy and jellybeans.  There are decorations of flowers and everyone seems to be wearing something special and new.  (I would mention Easter bonnets, but does anyone wear a hat anyone?  Perhaps I am just an "old lady" but I think it would be really cool to see people dressed to the nines on Easter morning with hats and white gloves.)  From Sunday to Sunday it's one big happy party. Except for the fact that it isn't.  In between the highs of Palm Sunday and Easter, we hit some real lows.  Holy week isn't just about two Sundays.  In between those two days there are some serious

Green Bagels

One of my favorite St. Patrick's Day memories is of green bagels.  I'm not talking about moldy bagels.  I'm talking about Kelly green colored bagels that many shops now put out around St. Patrick's Day. I realize there is nothing inherently Irish about bagels, no matter what color they might be, but corned beef and cabbage isn't usually a breakfast food.  (Although I would have no problem eating it at any time of day.)  Plus transporting a hot meal isn't the easiest thing to do.  Picking up a half a dozen green bagels, plus a variety of "normal" bagels along with butter, cream cheese and juice is much more doable. I haven't bought green bagels in six years.  Yet I still have the receipt for this purchase in the pocket of the green stripped jacket I wore the day I picked them up.  (It must have been warm that year if I was only wearing a blazer and not a heavy coat.)  It was back when I worked for a company that no longer exists (or no longer ex

Springing Forward

It's that time of year again.  There will be no two o'clock in the morning on Sunday, as we spring ahead to three.  With the turn of a dial or the push of a button we will enter into Daylight Savings time. Of course I don't know anyone who actually stays up to change the clock at the appointed time.  I've always done it the night before.  And with today's technology, for the most part I don't even have to do that! Daylight savings time means that spring is just around the corner (officially arriving on the 20th of the month, which also happens to be Palm Sunday this year as well).  Much of this week in the north east it has felt like spring. (Today is the exception!  Walked out the front door and brrrrrrr!)  I'm not complaining about that.  (Although it was a little weird to hear from friends a little further south complain about turning on the central AC!)  I love the warm weather, and especially love watching the flowers start to peak out of the g

Not the 5th...

My heart grew heavy when I heard George Martin had passed away. Every news story I seem to see or hear proclaim that the 5th Beatle has died.  Let me put it very plainly:  George Martin was NOT the 5th Beatle. The "title" of 5th Beatle has been hung on many.  There has been of course George Martin, but there has also been Brian Epstein, radio dj/personality "Murray the K"to name but two.  If we're going to be technical, Pete Best was the 5th Beatle.  The relatively unknown (outside of fan circles) Stu Sutcliffe would be the 4th Beatle. In order of 1st to 3rd when it comes to the creation of the band it would be John, Paul and then George.  Stu, who had the money to buy a bass, would be 4th and Peter, who had the drums (and a mother who ran a club), would be 5th.   Would that make Ringo the 6th?  Where do we throw long time sidemen/supporters Neil Aspinall and Mal Evans? So let's throw out the "5th" title and get down to brass tacks.  Who w

The Water Is Wider: Good Bye Mr. Conroy

With the deaths of singer Joey Feek and former First Lady Nancy Reagan, the passing of Pat Conroy on Friday night seems to have been ignored.  Upon hearing the news early Saturday morning, my heart and mood plummeted.  America had lost a great treasure; a gifted writer and storyteller. Like many, I came upon Mr. Conroy when The Prince of Tides rose to the top of the best seller list. His style of storytelling captivated me.  I rushed to read everything that he had written, much of what was painful to read.  (As good fiction can often be when the story creeps into your being and won't let go.)   Although he might be best known for The Prince of Tides (even The Simpson's jumped in with "The Fear of Flying") and The Great Santini , my personal favorite is Beach Music . ( The Prince of Tides and The Water is Wide tie for second place.)  ( After my first time through, I brought th

A TRUE Educational Experience

Today my son turns in his science paper.  It's a project the class has been working on for several weeks.  The topic of the report (as I understand it) was selected by each student and what they were interested it, although obviously it had to have something to do with science.  Since my son has always been a marine biology lover, his topic was the sawfish.  He worked on his research at school and at home.  He followed the directions as to how the paper was supposed to be written.  He wrote it on my computer using the Google Docs (as was required).  My husband and I reviewed it, made some suggestions, and helped him format it.  We took him to Staples so that he could buy a report cover for it (overpriced in my book).  When it was all put together, he was justifiably proud of the work that he had done.  In its completed format he showed me, my husband and his tutor his report.  He would have shown anyone else who was around if he could have.  He was happy and confident with what he

Manners Matter (To Me)

I guess I am turning into an old woman.  Or perhaps I am just showing my age.  Manners matter to me.  From a very young age I primed my son to say "Please" and “Thank you.” As a child, this is what I was taught, so as a mother I have tried to teach him the same thing. As he’s grown up, I’ve told him it never hurts to say “Thank You”.  You just can’t go wrong.  I hope what I have tried to teach him has stuck.  I still have to remind him occasionally to say those two words.  He frequently gets rides to and from school and I hope he’s thanking the driver.  It’s not the end of the world if he doesn’t, but I hope he does.  I know that I drive several of his friends to school (different friends on different days) and nothing impresses me more than one girl who always says “thank you” when she gets out of the car.  I’ve told her mom on more than one occasion what a pleasure it is to have her daughter ride with us; and her ever present “thank you” is one of the reasons why I enj

SOMWaD: Talking to My Son

Way back in the last century, I majored in Communications.  I am a BIG believer in communication.  Sharing information is vital to the success of a business.  Relationships can only thrive if people respectfully talk and listen to each other.  I'm a talker and a writer.  I try to be a good listener.  (Emphasis on TRY!)  So it really pains me when I say that I can't seem to talk to my son. I could just brush it off as that pre-teen/tween thing kicking in and that once a kid gets to that stage of life communication between parent/child becomes an issue for everyone.  I don't want to brush it off.  I want to find a way around it.  I am sure my issue is typical.  Let me set the scene: Boy sitting on sofa, watching TV, building Lego creation or thumbing through a Lego catalog. Me:  Hey, you're going to need to come upstairs in 10 minutes.  Please pick those Legos off the floor. Boy:  Ok.  (Or no response) 10-15 minutes later I either call him to come

Super Tuesday: Let Me Tell You How To Vote

Although I am not in a state that is part of "Super Tuesday," nor am I in a state where a primary or caucus has already occurred, I am going to tell you how to vote.  My instructions are relatively simple:  Vote for the person YOU think is best qualified for the position. It's that simple. It doesn't matter who your neighbor is voting for.  It doesn't matter how many commercials you've seen for one candidate or another.  It doesn't matter what your favorite celebrity says.  It doesn't matter if the candidate is the same race, sex, religion, or any other plethora of social statuses.  What DOES matter is what YOU think. You may not agree with all of what your candidate stands for.  As a matter of fact, chances are that you WON'T agree with everything.  But if he or she stands overall for what you believe in, and then vote for that candidate. I believe that we, the American people, can make intelligent choices and decisions.  Despite