SOMWaD: Mixed Messages
I'm a bad mom. It's true. At least that's the way I feel right now. If I look at things/the situation in an objective light (or at least as objective as this completely irrational, emotional woman can be), I am NOT a bad mom, I'm just human. As a result of being human I've sent my son mixed messages. My husband pointed this out; and he's right. (It isn't easy to say he's right and admit my failings, but there you have it.) Here's the story: being the slightly obsessive mom that I am (I'm working on it, I swear!), I checked out the portal to hell last night. (For your reference: The marking period ends this week and my son has borderline grades in a couple of subjects. AND he has quizzes in a couple of subjects this week. So how he does can either push him up a bit or drag him down. What stood out was a drop in math (the bane of his existence; ok, the bane