
In Stitches

  Although I have some very "wonky" health related issues (strange food allergies, "uneven" feet and other stuff that I won't get into), I am a relatively healthy person.  Sure I've had bouts of strange "diseases" (Costochondritis, Pityriasis rosea) but (thankfully), I've rarely been hospitalized.  I've gone to the ER several times (I used to have an issue with swallowing and things would get caught in my esophagus so that I could breath, but not swallow...muscle relaxants sometimes helped, but once I had to be knocked out and had the protein based object pushed down to my stomach), but have only stayed overnight in a hospital twice thus far.  (Once when I was a teen and they had to take out all my wisdom teeth at once and the other when I had a hysterectomy.)  I MAY have broken my little toe once, but other than that... I'm lucky.  I'm blessed.  I get it.  And I appreciate it. So I was a little freaked out when a cyst started to gr

The Last Time

 As I write this, my days at the NJ shore are coming to an end.  The sale is not complete, no money has exchanged hands, but we are getting very close.  I met with my attorney today (my first time meeting her face to face) and signed a lot of papers.  There is still plenty of room for glitches and issues, but I am somewhat hopeful that this matter is wrapping up. And that's bittersweet.  My mother purchased this home nearly 30 years ago.  I have been the official owner (and payer of taxes and utilities) for almost a year.  And now that is coming to a close. This weekend has been tiring.  It had always been my intention to wrap things up on Friday/Saturday.  My husband and I arrived here around six in the morning.  (After stopping at  Wawa  for coffee.)  His job was to pack up the remaining glassware.  My job was to make sure we were ready for the movers.  (As well as doing my "real" job; working remotely.) The movers arrived later than I expected.  (Later than they expect

Crawling Towards The Finish Line

 I keep looking for the light at the end of the tunnel and then realize that the light is just another train set to run me over.  Or so it seems. I spent the summer of 2022 caring for my mother, making decisions for her and holding her hand while she died.  Then I spent the rest of the year filling out forms, fighting financial institutions, and trying to do the right things all while being emotionally and physically exhausted. I spent the first part of 2023 caring for my father, making decisions for him, trying to get him the best care possible for his situation and then beating myself up for not being there when he died.   Then I spent the second half  of the year filling out forms, fighting financial institutions, and trying to do the right things all while being emotionally and physically exhausted. It's now 2024 and I'm still emotionally and physically exhausted as I fill out more forms and try to sell the home that was owned by my mother (although it because my pare

Dear Mom & Dad: Coming to a Close

  Dear Mom & Dad, Last week I prematurely said I sold the house.  (Who knew that the buyer's lawyer would be such a...well you fill in the blank.  I get the feeling that he doesn't like that the seller [me], seller's agent and seller's attorney are all women.  I also get the feeling that he likes to play games which will increase his billable hours.  I'm not naming names [yet] because although paperwork has been signed we are not yet at the finish line and based on my awful experiences of late last week, I still have fears that something could go wrong, even though we clearly outlined everything from the very beginning. )  I am closer and have spent the last weekend doing more packing up and moving out. This is the hard part.  I have sold the house furnished (although the buyer doesn't want the furnishings).  I am taking some things (more than I had originally outlined), but I can't take it all.  So I'm doing what I can.  Especially with the &quo

As Is

  Today I want to discuss what I think it is a relatively simple concept, but may be difficult for some, even an attorney who might have once, over a decade ago won a  prestigious award  for young lawyers .  That term is "AS IS." As you may know, I volunteer in a thrift shop.  Everything we sell, from all the donations we receive, is "as is."  The items are not brand new.  They are not perfect.  That doesn't mean they aren't any good or worth something. They are sold "as is."  Buyers should go in knowing that. (After all you are shopping in a thrift shop!)  In some cases, particularly when we are offering higher end products, we will actually write on the price tag, "as is." Such is the case of two designer purses that I purchased from there this summer.  (I'm a purse-aholic!  Don't look in my closet.)  They were reasonably priced (especially when you consider the name brand), but each had an "as is" clearly marked o

The Best Part of Yesterday

  Wednesday.  It's the middle of the week and nothing special about it.  It's a reminder that we're halfway through the work week.  Is the glass half empty or half full?  Who am I to say? Yesterday was a pretty typical Wednesday, except for the heat and humidity.  It's been brutal for seemingly ever.  Don't tell me that climate change isn't a thing or that we don't need to (or can't) do anything about it.  When someone who generally loves the heat is complaining, there's an issue! It was hot when I got up and attempted to walk.  I was a sweaty mess before I even started.  (And I started before the sun was up.)  I was moving kinda slow (like Uncle Joe...does anyone else get that dated reference?) because I just couldn't slog through the air as quickly as I would have liked.  It took me nearly an hour to go just 2.5 miles.  (That's sad.)  When I got in a cold shower I didn't want to get out.  But I did. I (sort of) put myself together and h

Commandment #5

 There's been a lot of talk about the 10 commandments recently, with a push in certain states to have them posted in public schools.  Although I (try to) follow the 10 commandments, I don't think a school is the place for them, especially when those who are enforcing this on students probably can't name them all (without peaking) or even follow them themselves.  But that's not what this post is about... This post is about Commandment #5; honor your father and mother.  (I didn't even have to look it up; I KNEW it was the take that!)   There are times or situations where #5 does not apply.  (How can you honor your father and/or mother if they are abusive?)  But I'm going to "speak" in broader terms and as it relates to me and my situation.  (As they say, your mileage may vary.) Both of my parents have passed away.  While they were alive, I tried to honor them.  I probably didn't do such a hot job as a child, but as an adult,  I general