He's Moving On Up...
I call him "the school greeter" I t finally happened yesterday. We took our son to college for his freshman year. How did we get here? I think I'll be asking myself that question for a LONG time. The day was long and exhausting; both physically and emotionally. I haven't cried yet, but then again, I haven't really cried over the deaths of my parents either. I'm seriously repressed? Or maybe, using my word of the year, I'm overwhelmed and just haven't gotten there yet. Everything got really crazy the day BEFORE move it. All of us had packed up my son's things and stored them in our sun parlor. Wednesday was the day for organizing and labelling. While I would have liked to have been home for that, I was in the office for some meetings, but thankfully was able to leave earlier than usual. (Which meant a slow local bus, but...) In between packing up the car (which my husband did an excellent job of...and in all honesty, my son didn't