Gratitude and Thanks

This month has flown by and as it wraps up, I'm realizing that while November is often considered the month of gratitude and thanks, I've done neither. I'll admit that it's been a difficult autumn. I've spent too much time focusing on the difficulties. I've whined and complained, and sadly, GAINED poundage. (Feeding my emotions with "stuff" that makes me "feel good" in the moment, but not so much in the long run.) So I want to end the month on a better note. I want to end on a note of thanksgiving. So let me take some time to look at the good instead of the bad. For example, I came down with a cold last week. Nothing horrid, but enough to make me feel crappy and uncomfortable. I'm still not completely healthy (there's that darned nagging cough), but I am better. And too look at it from a position of gratitude; I'm grateful that I got sick when I did. AFTER the run of my son's school play and BEFORE Thanks...