There Are No Bad Guys?
Every story at least 2 sides; and somewhere in between or around those sides is a semblance of truth. Each side's story is its own truth. Rarely (at least as far as I can see), does either side see its story as wrong or bad. Certainly, neither side, in their mind, is lying. The way I see it, no one views themselves as the bad guy. That's not to say that people don't do bad things. It's definitely not to say that people don't do stupid things. But generally (and I think you'll find that this post is filled with generalizations), I think that people do or think things not because they are bad. Certainly the person cast in the "villain" role rarely sees him or herself as the bad guy. Is there anyone out there who woke up one morning and thought/said, "Today I'm going to start being the bad guy?" Or even on the flip side, did anyone ever wake up and think "I'm going to turn over a new leaf and be a completely good person?...