Sunday Thoughts: 2/16/25

I have two totally unrelated thoughts that have been chewing at my brain today thanks to two unrelated social media posts from friends. (This is not a bad thing!) So indulge me for a few minutes while I share what I've been mulling over in my mind. Friend #1 wrote that she is losing her job yesterday. She didn't lose it because she isn't a good employee, she lost it because the small local business that she worked for is closing down. I don't know how long she worked there or how long the business had been in operation, but my heart aches for her. Losing a job, no matter what the job might be, is painful. My friend has down played the loss. She points out that it was only a part time job and the money that she made there went for "trivial" items such as coffee and a travel fund. She is the friend that I met up with a Disneyworld last September. (