
Everything you do in life involves risk. You take a shower, you could fall (21.8 people above the age of 15 did in 2008). You cook a meal, there's a possibility of burning yourself (approximately 500,000 burn injuries receive treatment across the USA every year). You get in the car, you risk getting in an accident 6,452,000 car accidents took place on American roads in 2017). Living is risky. But we can't let our lives be ruled by risk. We couldn't live! We are rational (for the most part) human beings and we live our lives making sensible decisions. We do things to lower our risk. We are aware when we shower that the tub might be slippery. (Maybe we even put those little plastic like daisy things in the tub to grip onto.) We are cautious when we cook, using a pot holder to touch hot items. And while we can't always prevent a car accident, we are required to wear a seat belt so that if we do get in...