Where Do I Live: A US Postal Service Story

I don't live here. I don't live here either. Not here. Or even here. I don't live in ANY of these places. (You know if I did, maybe I could make a killing in the real estate market!) The numbers are not even CLOSE to the number on my house. The streets that these were supposed to go to are not too far from me; one is a block over and the other is several blocks away. I mean, at least the town is right, but... All of these postcards ended up in my mailbox yesterday...along with some other "junk" (sorry advertisers) that DID have my correct address on them. I'm angry. Really angry. As I sit here typing this post, I can see Hardbodyz Fitness from my window. (They are the business that spent the money to create these postcards and have them mailed.) I don't go to Hardbodyz Fitness. I don't know the owners or the people who work there, but I am angry on their behalf. They are...