My Colors of Halloween

White: The ghost that hangs on my front door. (Although he is getting spotty gray with mold or grime from living in the basement the rest of the year.) If you are smart enough (or look close enough) you will see the button that when pushed makes him moan and groan and turn other colors under this white veneer. Gray: My son's face as her puts on make up for his film noir character. After all film noir is always done in black and white, right? Let's just hope that it doesn't become permanently gray. (Did I purchase enough Ponds cleansing cream to get it all off??) And if he eats too much candy, ashen may just be what he looks and feels like for the next day or so. Black: The "cape" of Mr. Bones who has lived in our bushes for many a year at Halloween. He came with a stand originally, which broke almost immediately. Now his pole for a body is propped up among my many bushes, he's black eyes peering out from his w...