No Weigh Tuesday...

I would have liked to have titled with No Weigh Wednesday because of the alliteration, but the truth is it's Tuesday and I have learned over the past 4 weeks (5 if you count when is started) NOT to weigh myself on a Tuesday. It's just too darned depressing. Let's go back five Tuesdays ago when I stepped on a scale and to quote myself found that the number "scared the shit out of me." (And being the person that I am I blogged about it a few days later: ). I start this journey with Weight Watcher again that day; jumping in with both feet. Because I was a returning member, my weekly weigh in date was set for Friday. That was the day I weighed in the last time I was on the plan. Now I can change that day, but I decided not to. My weight on the day that I started WW was high and I knew the first few pounds would come off relatively quickly (notice I didn't say easily) and wh...