
Showing posts from September, 2017

No Weigh Tuesday...

I would have liked to have titled with No Weigh Wednesday because of the alliteration, but the truth is it's Tuesday and I have learned over the past 4 weeks (5 if you count when is started) NOT to weigh myself on a Tuesday.  It's just too darned depressing. Let's go back five Tuesdays ago when I stepped on a scale and to quote myself found that the number "scared the shit out of me."  (And being the person that I am I blogged about it a few days later: ).  I start this journey with Weight Watcher again that day; jumping in with both feet. Because I was a returning member, my weekly weigh in date was set for Friday.  That was the day I weighed in the last time I was on the plan.  Now I can change that day, but I decided not to. My weight on the day that I started WW was high and I knew the first few pounds would come off relatively quickly (notice I didn't say easily) and wh...

THIS is Autumn?

I t's official!  Autumn is here.  Or it will be at 4:02 this afternoon.  (Do we really want to split hairs over it??) I love autumn; especially early autumn.  (Let's face it once we hit Veteran's Day we're practically in winter; especially with all the holiday "stuff" that is out there.  I won't even mention how little love the retailers give Thanksgiving.)  The colors, the smells, the TASTES (pumpkin spice anyone??):  I LOVE it! Can't you feel fall by just looking at those photos?  (All are obviously from last year.) As September winds down I've bought my mums and two small pumpkins. I can't wait until autumn officially begins to buy these.  Just as sunflowers say summer to me, so mums signify fall.  My son has started to decorate his room for Halloween.  (It might be his favorite holiday of all.)  The outside of the house will be adorned with spooky decorations starting next week.  (My own official r...

Not on Board

Thank you for not asking me.  I'm relieve that I wasn't.  I have been in the past.  I have said yes.  But this time I was going to have to say:  "no." It's not that I don't want to serve; I do.  You might not know it, but I currently serve on 3 committees. Just a year ago, I completed my service on the pastoral search committee which took up a good chunk of my "free" (and not so free) time for approximately 3 years. Additionally, I volunteer in the thrift shop when I can; sing in the choir (and have for over 20 years); provide publicity/act as media point person and schedule lay readers (which I've also done for over 20 years).  I've served on all three boards (back when there were three!) in the past. (I'll admit the past is long ago; before my tween son was born.) Some I've loved and others not so much.  I served when I had the time.  When I could GIVE my time to a specific board.  Unfortunately, my time, as is the cas...

The North Jersey Girl Goes South: Part 1?

I am NJ born and bred.  Most of my life has been spent in Northern NJ.  As a matter of fact, I can probably count on one hand the number of times that I have driven below exit 82 on the Garden State Parkway.  (The furthest I usually go is exit 88!)  That's not to say I've never been to South Jersey, I have.  In a "former" job, I traveling points south for sales presentations heading to places in Camden, Burlington and Atlantic County.  But truth be told, the last time I'd been as far south as Atlantic City was over 20 years ago when hotel casinos like the Showboat still existed and the only time I'd been as far south as Wildwood was my senior year in high school.  (And I'm not saying how long ago that was!) And sadly, things would have probably stayed that way if I hadn't found out about a Civil War battle re-enactment that was going on at Historic Cold Spring Village.  My son is a true Civil War buff and I knew this was something he wou...

Advice to the mom to be

I recently attended a baby shower for a friend who is expecting this December.  One of the "party games" was to write down on a slip of paper your advice for the mother to be.  Of course, I could think of nothing profound at the time, but got to thinking over the days that followed.  So here is my advice to her, as well as any moms period. Disclaimer:  I am a Mom.  I am NOT a Mom expert.  I'm just like most of the world, trying to get along the best I can and do the best I can.  With that said... Being a mom is emotional.  You're going to're going to laugh and not always at the right time.  Go with it.  If anyone asks just say:  I'm hormonal and hope that it shuts them up. With that said, if you're feeling depressed or down; don't be afraid to reach out for help.  Whether you call it postpartum depression, baby blues, etc., it is NOTHING to be ashamed of. And it is more com...

21 Years of Memories

I'm a big proponent of taking lots of photos and writing trip reports.  Some of it acts as fodder for this blog, but I really do it to hold onto memories.  Because believe it or not, even the most intense memories can fade over time.  Photos and notes are my windows back to those memories. I wish I took my own advice more seriously; especially early on in my married life. I was married 21 years ago today.  The wedding is a blur.  There are photos (actual film had to be used back then and we had disposable cameras at the reception) which remind me of the evening.  (There is also a video which I haven't watched in years, but my husband did have it transferred to a digital format so I CAN still watch it.  Back in 1996 having my cousin use a hand held video camera was pretty cutting edge!)  It is because of the photos that I remember moments like our first dance (to the Eagles "Love Will Keep Us Alive"), dancing with my father and brother, an...

I Wonder About the Bride and Groom

It was a beautiful warm and sunny September day in Florida.  My husband and I were the Flag Family at Disney's Wilderness Lodge that morning.  For those not in the know, it entails going up to the roof of the hotel with a cast member and raising the flags that adorn it.  It requires you to be an early rise, as this is done before eight in the morning.  There are five flags that need to be raised and of course plenty of opportunity for photographs. As we climbed down the stairs afterwards, I noticed a small area, I believe on the 4th floor that was obviously going to be used for a small wedding ceremony and/or reception.  And when I say small, I mean small.  This was obviously not going to be a large Disney affair that you might read about.  It would have to be intimate as I couldn't imagine more than a dozen people at the most fitting comfortably in the space.  And although small, it was light and airy and if memory serves there may have e...

Sunday Night Blues...

Most everyone understands the Sunday night blues.  The weekend is over; thoughts of Monday morning fill your head.  Maybe it's back to school; maybe it's back to work.  There's that disquieting sense of something...not doom or depression...but something.  Perhaps there is a sad resolution as the minutes pass on Sunday night. But this Sunday night I have the blues and it's not because tomorrow is Monday and starts another week of work.  It's because it's Sunday night and I don't know what to do.  Since May 21st, every Sunday night I have curled up on my sofa with my husband, occasionally with a damn fine cup of coffee and/or cherry pie (actually Entenmann's mini cherry snack pie which are egg free).  We'd settle in and be sucked in for nearly an hour to the mind bending world of David Lynch and Mark Frost as we watched Twin Peaks season 3. We had both watched the series when it originally aired (over 25 years ago) on network tv.  I hadn...