When I wrote my early Lent post, I said it was not about just giving up, but about giving OF and giving thanks. (And by the way, I really missed that glass of wine with my pasta the other night.) I try to make saying thanks a habit. Maybe I overdo it, but it sure the heck doesn't hurt. There are so many people out there who DON'T get thanked. There are too many people out there who DON'T say thank you. (Seems like I've been droning this into my son's head since he was born! I hope it's working. It had BETTER be working!) I truly believe that sincere appreciation and gratitude is something that is sorely lacking in our society. While I can't change the world, I can make sure that my portion is properly appreciated and thanked. To that end, I want to talk about garbage. Who likes garbage? Ok, maybe Oscar the Grouch; he loves trash, but other than everyone's favorite Grouch, does anyone actually like dealing with garbage? I don't th