Express Yourself
If you live in the USA (as well as many other countries, but certainly not all), you have the right to express yourself. Freedom of speech is a cherished right. This freedom includes the rights (and I took this directly from the website): Not to speak (specifically, the right not to salute the flag), of students to wear black armbands to school to protest a war (“Students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate.”) and t o engage in symbolic speech, (e.g., burning the flag in protest). It does NOT include the right: to incite actions that would harm others (e.g., “[S]hout[ing] ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.”) or t o make or distribute obscene materials. The above does not cover everything, but it gives a basic overview/common sense idea of what it means to have free speech. We are blessed to have this freedom. Men and women have died for this freedom. (Something we should have all thought a...