Random Thursday Thoughts

I *think* Spring is finally here. (Or at least I thought so until I walked into my office suite in my nice Spring blouse and skirt and found that the A/C was at full blast. Even with the sun beaming through my window which usually makes my little cubicle toasty warm, it was only 64 degrees. Hence I have my little space heater on as I try to warm up.) Today when I went out to walk (while it was still pitch black out...I'm eagerly awaiting those late May/June days where the sun is almost up before 4:30 in the morning), I wasn't cold in my sweats (I only walk outside when it's 40 or higher because I don't want to slip and kill/maim myself) and I actually was quite warm by the time I got home. Hoorah! And as I often do, I started thinking of a myriad of things while I was powering my way around town. (Or doing the middle-aged, over-weight lady version of powering.) When is the town and/or county going to remove the rest of the tree branches/brush t...