Background: For 2+ years there has been a battle within my town over the development of a property close to my home. Extreme nutshell version (because the whole story would is so detailed and convoluted that I can't even begin to try to explain it all): the developer needed to get several variances in order to proceed. Last night after countless meetings, the public was able to speak. Here is what I said: I am a lifelong resident of this town. My family has resided here before it even was incorporated into a town. From childhood to adulthood I've seen this town grow and change, for better and for worse. I haven't come here to ask you to approve or deny this application. What I'm asking is much more difficult. I'm asking you, before you make your decision on theses variances, to think. You've heard from the applicant. You know why all of these residents of the town are here today. It is time for you, the planning board, to make a decision. B