Senior Mom Freaking Out
Please note, I have just downed a large Not-So-Basic Pumpkin Spice Latte which while not completely responsible for any craziness in this post, will fuel it. Ready? It's the last day of September. It's the last September that my son will be in our public school system. His senior year is blazing along and I am freaking out. I'm trying not to, but I'm failing miserably. There's so much to do and decide. Mostly that's on my son's plate (should that be platter?) and knowing that freaks me out! Let's start with something basic; the senior portraits. My son's photos were taken on the last scheduled day and we got the proofs electronically last Friday. (While we were on the road to Syracuse.) As soon as I could, I was looking at them and trying to figure out what to do. There are 12 poses (including a couple in cap and gown) and there were only 2 that I really didn't like. I couldn't pick just one (because ho...