The Virus Diary: Spending, Spending...
Are you spending more than usually would? I'm not just talking about groceries or supporting your local restaurants by ordering take out. Are you buying more on line? While I'm not completely out of control, I've been finding that I've been spending, spending AND spending! So what HAVE I been buying (besides lots of groceries). Well, I have bought wine; wine on line. I've ordered wine and other alcoholic beverages on line in the morning and then picked it up in the afternoon. I've gone more than once to Total Wine and More and I'm the only one in the house who drinks! But I don't drink right before Memorial Day weekend, I ordered wine for two of my co-workers and had it shipped to their respective homes. Of course, I messed up on one and didn't put a message in and so my co-worker actually thanked someone else. (Someone else who had inquired about her wine preferences, but never actually send any wine. ) Wine IS essential dur