It's NOT About the Turkey
Thanksgiving: It's all about the turkey right? What is the first thing you think of when you think of the holiday? BE HONEST! Are you really thinking about what you are thankful for or are you thinking of turkey? Word Association: Black/White, Hi/Low, Thanksgiving/? For most of us Thanksgiving = Turkey. There are those who might come up with stuffing or pumpkin pie as their first thought, but let's face it the bird is the "face" of the holiday. Of course we all know that Thanksgiving is not just about the food. It's about a time of reflection and gratitude. But let's put aside all the "good thoughts" for a moment and be a bit more realistic. Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate with family and friends. But isn't that celebration done through the massive consumption of turkey (and other goodies)? For years my family has been denied the pleasure of the bird. My son didn't find out about what a "Thanksgiving Feast...