Reflections on February 29

It only comes around every four years (for the most part), so I feel that I must write SOMETHING...even if it is boring or banal.  So some random thoughts for this very special day:

  •  IF today had been March 1st (as it usually would be), I would say that March has DEFINITELY come in like a lion.  The last several days had been relatively warm, but that changed last night.  The winds picked up and this morning was brutal.  It wasn't the temperature so much as it was the wind.  Trust me, those 10 minutes that I waited for the bus this morning were some of the longest.  The wind kept bearing down and I was so glad to see the bus pull up without me blowing over.  It's going to take a while and lots of coffee to warm up completely! 
  • It's my friend's 13th birthday.  Think about it.  Since her birth in 1972 (the same year my brother was born), she's only really had thirteen actual birthdays.  That wouldn't have worked in her favor when she was younger (although I'm sure her family celebrated on the 28th of February of the 1st of March...or why not both), now she can age as she wants...well sort of.  And she can truthfully say that this is only her 13th birthday.  Happy Birthday K! 
  • I've mentioned that the weather has been warm this week (that is before today).  The average temperatures over the month have been higher than normal.  As someone who is not fond of the cold, I'm not complaining about that.  On other hand, it doesn't bode well for climate change.  My husband and I have been talking about where we might want to spend our "later years." (Which are coming up faster than I'd care to admit in some ways; and in others I wish were here because I'd like a change...or at least the change I'd like.)  I'd always thought I'd want to go south and the shore sounded good, but...Now heading north is where I think we might end up.  Simply because where it once was cold, will soon be warmer.  Areas to the north of NJ will have more NJ like temps.  Or that's how I see it. 
  • Being down at the shore frequently, I've had the opportunity to see lots of birds.  Be it seagulls on the beach or sitting on a pylon in my backyard or "diving ducks" in the lagoon, or swans that navigate the waters (hissing all the way), I love seeing all of them.  Just like my mother  did.  However, the one thing I haven't seen yet, is a robin.  I look out for the first robin every year, as did my maternal grandmother.  But I've yet to see one.  There have been plenty of birds, but no robins.  I hoped I might see one on the anniversary of my grandmother's birthday (the 23rd), but no.  Where are the robins?  Has anyone seen one? 
  • The high school spring musical opens tonight.  Even though my son is no longer in high school, I'll be heading out tonight, tomorrow or Saturday to see the show.  I remember 4 years ago (when we last had a leap year), my son as a proud freshman with a role in the assembly for the spring musical.   Back then I thought it was too early for a "spring" musical.  Hindsight is 20/20 and I continue to be grateful that the show was the first weekend in March and right before Covid-19 shut everything down.  Despite the challenges, there were musicals for all four years when my son attended high school   (Although the 2021 outdoor "retrospective" was held much later in spring...who thought it would be so cold in May?)  I saw my son grow and mature through these musicals.  Many of my son's friends are in this year's show and I'll be there to cheer them on.  (And so should you; even if you're not in my town.  Support your school's theatrical productions no matter where you are!) 
  • Looking back, it was the last leap year when the world completely changed.  Could we have ever have imagined?  Or maybe we've forgotten what we went through?  (I know when I go back and re-read what I wrote in 2020 I am hit with a flood of memories.)  Covid IS still out there.  (I continue to wear a mask on public transportation.)  Just like we cannot forget the horrors of Pearl Harbor or 9/11 we shouldn't forget the pandemic.  How scared we were and how grateful we were. The last leap year brought about a pandemic (or the beginnings of it).  What will this one hold for us?
So I also reflect on all that has happened since our last leap year.  These four years have been for me some of the most challenging.  While there was joy, there was also for me a great deal of sorrow as well as frustration and anger.  Here's hoping that this new leap year leads me (us?) into better times


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