Monday Morning Coffee


I do complain about having to come into the office in Newark. (Which was not the office I was hired to work in back in the day; least you think that I just don't want to work in an office... Okay, I DON'T want to work in an office, but...Okay, there's no buts about it.  Since working remotely took over my life nearly 4 years ago, I've come to actually like it a lot more than I thought I would.)  I am "required" to be here 3 days a week. (Recommended days are Tuesday-Thursday and based on the number of riders on the bus and the traffic flow, I'm guessing this is standard across most corporate boards.)  Since I have off this Friday, I felt that working from home on Thursday would be more productive.  (As well as allow me to take my car in for an oil change.)  So I hauled my butt out of bed this morning, did the morning exercises (still doing the Leslie Sansone Walk Aerobics...Wish I still had the worn out video from the late 1980s that I started out with, if just for  a laugh), got myself together and figured out what bus I was going to take.  (Today's "early" [for me] did not show up on the NJ Transit app, so I took the next bus, which was supposedly delayed according to the app, but then ended up being a minute early.)  Buses and city light railed to Newark Penn Station and made my way over to the office around 7:30ish.  (I like to get in early and get OUT early...although the ride home is always LONGER than the ride in due to traffic.  One of the reasons I would like to move at some point to a more remote location [whatever that location might be] would be to cut back on all the traffic.  I know...I've turned into the grouchy old lady.)

While it has been proclaimed, that we are better together, Mondays are pretty dead.  (I think I've seen 5 people on the floor this morning)

So on this cold Monday morning, I could use a good cup of coffee.  (I know it's supposed to get warm out and I'm guessing by the time I leave this afternoon it will be, but it's cold this morning and the fact that the "heating" unit by the window seems to be blowing cold air which I can't turn off isn't helping.)

The BEST coffee is made by my husband.  Yes, it's another reason why I like to work from home.  He makes a good cup (or two).  But he's not up when I leave and even if he was, coffee on the bus/light rail would spell disaster for me.  (I have enough trouble with a backpack and a phone.)  I need to get coffee when I'm here.

I could go to Dunkin.  There is not one too far from the office.  However, a daily cup isn't cheap.  Also, if I'm ordering, I'm most likely going for a sugar/calorie laden latte, which is not good for my waistline!  (I can't help it; Dunkin makes good lattes!)

There is coffee here, but it's not great.  We have the same machines we used to have "back in the day" when I worked in a different office.  They were never great.  (So when I drove, I brought my coffee from home in the car and then reheated it when I got there.)  Supposedly they make lattes, but those foam packages...well not great.

More recently, the office placed a Nespresso machine in the "big kitchen."  (We have one very large kitchen area and then two smaller ones.)  I was excited.  I'd heard good things about these.  And the machines DO make good coffee.  However, the frothing unit is constantly breaking down.  (I need my milk/froth).  The actual machine also seems to get jammed quite a lot.  (Which makes me think that everyone is using it.)  

When the frothing unit isn't working, I resort to making an espresso and adding a little half and half.  (Not as good, but...)  However, where we used to have TONS of half and half  (each of the 4 fridges on the floor had more than one), now I can only find oat or almond milk.  (Sorry, not a fan.)

I'm supposed to come into this office and I can't even get a good cup of coffee?  Is it time for me to find a new job where I can work from home (and get good coffee) or have an office with Bfth acceptable coffee?

Friends, if you work in an office with great (or even good) coffee, put in a good word for me.  Hard working, older woman with expertise in a variety of fields) welcomes full time position with benefits and most importantly GOOD coffee.  


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