Snow Day?


With really no snow last year, it's a shock that we had snow on the 6th and are getting it again today (possibly up to 4 inches which I know is not a lot of snow, but...).  And they are talking about flurries on Thursday and another couple of inches on Friday.  What is going on here?  Are we getting a winter like we USED to get?  While I'm not a big fan of snow, it IS something that we are SUPPOSED to get in the winter.  I don't LIKE it, but I think we do need it.  (More so than rain...which has just cause a big mess around here and I'm still slightly panicked about the shore:

Which is why I think we need to be REALISTIC when it comes to winter weather.  It's  not just about the snow; it's about snow, rain and ice.  It's not easy to navigate and if you're wise you avoid it.  If you can't avoid it, you should be cautious.

It snowed (just a little) on Sunday when my son was out driving.  He had never driven in snow, so I think this was a good entre into it.  It didn't stick and the road weren't really slick.  I'm happy to say that he's a pretty cautious driver,  so he wasn't out too long.  (I'm not even sure if Sunday's drive counts as a "snow" drive or not.)  Also, because his car has some sunroof issues (it leaks sometimes; I've gotten it "fixed", but it seems to still have problems when we have serious rain and I'm just not yet ready to spend big bucks to take it to a dealer and have them do whatever the heck they might have to do), we make sure that his car is in the garage when (really) bad weather is forecast.  Like last Tuesday night when we had the Nor'easter, the three of us went out  in the cold, dark rain and I backed it into our narrow, one car garage.  It was NOT fun!  In preparation for today's snow, my son put the car in the garage yesterday afternoon.  (Again, color me impressed, backing down our slightly curved driveway and getting a vehicle into the 1920s era garage is not a feat for the faint of heart and yet my son managed it very well.  I don't know whether I am prouder of his all-A report card for the his first semester or this feat!  I think that the latter might actually be more impressive!)

When I got up this morning, there was some snow, but not too much, although more is supposed to come down during the day.  I (stupidly?) decided to be the "team player" and head into the office for the first of one of my three mandated days in the office.  My walk to the bus was not too bad.  I tried to time it so I caught an early bus (before  7 AM) and didn't want to wait too long.  It's hard to time.  I didn't want to walk too quickly (because of snow, slush and ice), but I didn't want to stand out there and wait too long.  I'm guessing that giving myself 10-12 minutes is probably what I should do.  But who knows...

The driver was slow and cautious.  We still got to the light rail station in a reasonable amount of time and the train was waiting.  Actually, the train was ready to take off, but some nice woman was keeping the door open for me and the woman behind me.  (I do try to walk quickly down the stairs to the train, but I'm not that quick and I'm not going to risk a fall...which I can SO see myself doing!)

I got into the office by 7:30 (with the thought that I would leave the office early and try and catch an earlier if that will really happen.)  No surprise that I was the only one here pretty much for the first hour and a half.  (I spied a few people when I went to the bathroom, but...)  There wasn't anyone in my immediate area until after nine.  (Fun note:  this person filled me in on the fact that the video I referenced in has gone viral...and not in a good day.  Just google CEO return to office video and you'll come across it.)  I knew my immediate boss was going to be out, but I didn't know that two co-workers would not be in and all of those other people who haven't been coming in, aren't in either.  Maybe they'll work Wednesday-Friday?  (I doubt that)  Maybe they're more rebellious than me?  (I'm not at all...what a suck up I am!)  Or maybe they are wiser than I am.  (As I walked in, I thought how this was probably not the best idea.  After all, it is obvious that I can be replaced in an office environment, while I know I can't be replaced as a needed human being to family, friends, etc.)  I'm sure I'll be kicking myself when I wait for the bus this evening.  (And wondering if it's too late for a nearly 60-year-old woman to find a new job where the work is remote and ALL employees are appreciated.  Or is that too much to ask for?)

In any event, whether I like it or not winter has actually come to NJ this year.  Now how many days till spring?  


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