The Virus Diary: Don't Be Blue
It's been just over a year since the first case of Covid-19 landed on our shores. It's been almost a year since I started working from home and my son started learning from home (although we've been in a pseudo hybrid mode since mid-September). No matter how you slice it; it's a bizarre time. I know I've done some silly things to try and keep my sanity or to just DO something. How can we not?
For most of my adult life my days started by getting dressed for an office (which included hair and make-up). I don't do that most days. Yes, I get dressed. But the hair and make-up routine is sporadic and I have always been a big hair and make-up person, (I am the first to admit that I AM high maintenance.)
It was March 8, 2020 when I last got my hair professionally cut and colored. I have gotten my hair cut once since then, but no professional highlights. Over the warmer months, I did fall back on old school "sun in" (yes it still exists!). But I gave that up come the cooler months and as much as I don't like what I guess is now my "natural" color, I've pretty much decided to go with it. (At least for now.) For the record, natural is a dirty blond. (Although looking at some color charts, maybe I'm actually glazed mocha?) I'd be much happier with a lighter color; and that includes gray/silver. I actually wish there was more gray/silver in my hair (there is some, but nowhere near what you might expect) as I think that would lighten my face and my look.
Now I have during this pandemic considered doing some fun hair stuff. (Remember when I tried to find hair chalk? or added some pink to my hair using a spray?) At one point, I tried to do a blue streak (I'd already tried and kind of liked pink/purple), but it didn't go so well. The blue did not spray on as well and I wasn't happy with it. However, this Saturday I was antsy and tried again.
Once again, the streaking thing did not go well. Perhaps it's me? Perhaps it's the brand I used (which was different than the pink)? But getting just a streak of blue didn't come off. So instead, in a wave of frustration and what the hell, I just sprayed the heck out of my hair. Yes, I went crazy. And this is what happened:
Now it doesn't look bad there. Mostly because I put on some lipstick and a blue dress to make the look "pop" (Is that the right term?) It kind of actually brought out the blue in my eyes. (On official documents my eyes are blue; however, I think they are more of a hazel (more of a green with blue and a few flecks of gold). The look was ok, but when I put on darker colors...
I just kind of fade into everything. (I realize this isn't the best photo.) I actually thought I looked a little crazy (and went with it):
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