The New Decade

A new year...a new decade...there is hope on the horizon.  There should always be hope, but with entering this new age, I am hopeful again.

I have lived for more than 5 decades and I have to say that this past one has been probably the worst that I have experienced to date.  (I hope that they are the worst period).  2010-2019 encompassed years of pain and strife.  Personally for me, 2012 was the worst year in my life (that I can remember).  I lost my grandfather (in-law) and my brother.  I lost my job.  My parent's home was destroyed as a result of Superstorm Sandy.  And then there was Sandy Hook.  As a mother of an elementary school aged child, that devastating event will never leave me.  In 2014 my father was seriously ill and both my parents ended up in the hospital.  In 2019 they sold the home that I grew up in.  Indeed for me personally this has been a decade of challenge and often of frustration.

But it's not just about me. During the past 10 years we, as a country, have seemed to lose our way.  We have lost civility and compassion.  We have stopped listening and instead only shout.  We have become blind to those in need and see only what we want to.

But despite all that, I have hope.  For as much "bad" as there has been in the past decade, there have also been blessings.  Throughout the year I try to keep notes of gratitude/thankfulness.  It doesn't have to be major; it might just be a little something.  I put these notes in a jar and every year as I pour them on the first day of the New Year, I am thrilled to see how much good there actually has been.  It's an important reminder and a tradition that I am glad to have started.  (Plus it makes the first day of the New Year start on a high note.)

Of course we do not have to wait until the New Year to start fresh.  Every day; every hour offers an opportunity to take a new breath and start a new path.  But since we are here now...

Why don't we enter a new decade with a new mindset?  Instead of rushing, why don't we take it slow?  Be slow in judgement of others.  Be slow in speaking (and thinking before we let the words leave our lips).  Be generous with our time and talent.  Be generous with ourselves and share with others.

The 1920s were known as the Roarin' 20s.  Why not consider the 2020s to be:

  • The REASONABLE 20s:  Where we no longer jump to conclusions.  Where we listen to opposing sides and making decisions based on evidence.
  • The REASSURING 20s:  Where we take the time to care for ourselves and for others. Comforting those who need it, even if we don't know them well (or at all).
  • The RECUPERATIVE 20s:  Where we give ourselves permission to relax and restore ourselves.  And by doing such, we can care for others.
  • The REFLECTIVE 20s:  Where we slow down and think.  We take into consideration more than one side and are open to new ideas.
  • The RELIABLE 20s:  Where we are willing to extend ourselves to others.  Where we can count on one other without looking for some kind of compensation.
  • The RESOURCEFUL 20s:  Where we are no longer afraid to think outside the box.  Where we embrace new ideas and solutions.  And if they fail, we learn from those mistakes and continue to move forward.
  • The RESPECTFUL 20s:  Where we come to realize the value of each person.  Where we follow the golden rule and treat others as we ourselves would like to be treated.
  • The REVITALIZING 20s:  Where we use all our positive energy to the better of our world.  Where we come together and work together to ensure longevity for our planet.
  • The REVERENT 20s:  Where we stand in awe of what each individual can accomplish.  Where we uphold each other with decency and kindness
  • The REWARDING 20s:  Where we do all of the above and more.  Where we look back on this decade 10 years from now and collectively say:  WOW!  Look at what we accomplished.

Happy New Year to all!  


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