Another Modest Proposal: The Abortion Answer
I see it, a woman SHOULD have the right to make decisions over her body.
However, life is a precious thing...and many people see abortion as
killing. Although if something isn't BORN how can it be completely
alive? I'm not 100% on that...does that mean if we eat a sunflower seed
we are killing a sunflower plant before it had a chance to grow? If we
dig up a sprout from the ground are we not killing a tree?
put that aside for a minute. For my purposes here, let's say that life
begins at conception. And to be clear, conception requires two
things...and egg, which is INSIDE the female, and a sperm, which is inside
the male UNTIL he ejaculates INTO the female. And while there is one egg
(per month give or take) that is hanging out in the female waiting to possibly
fertilized, there are millions of sperm racing towards that egg. In other
words, these are hardworking guys. They FIGHT their way upstream to get
to that egg, win the race and create that "new life." You need
both elements for conception. You can't have one without the other.
(Unless something drastic has changed that I am not aware of!) While the
sperm work their butts off (or should that be tails?) to get to that egg; it is
the woman who literally carries the burden of the work. Sometimes that
work is so difficult that the body physically can't handle it; the woman
what does this have to do with the whole abortion question? If we want to
eliminate abortion, we need to be able to CONTROL conception. In an ideal
world, a couple has sex in order to create another human being. In this
ideal world, both people are in control. But we don't live in an ideal
world and we all KNOW that sometimes men cannot control their urges. You know, when she dresses too provocatively
and is "asking for it" and even when she says no, the man just KNOWS
she means yes...I mean HOW is a man supposed to control himself when a woman is dressed in such a way that he can't help but whip his penis out and use it? There is also rape, which is not about sex, but about violence and evil, and the only answer to that is castration. The
result of this sometimes is conception because the man's super-duper sperm
triumphantly penetrates the egg and fertilizes it. Since men cannot
always control their urges, we need to be able to at the very least assure that
the woman does not become pregnant unless she is 100% (or more) sure that she
wants to live with the parasite that could become a baby in nine or so months.
order to make sure that every fetus makes it out of the womb and into the world
(discounting miscarriage), we have to make sure that procreation is carefully
planned out. When sex occurs NOT for the act of procreation, but for
other reasons (whatever that reason might be), we need to make sure that no
sperm can reach the egg. While there are birth control methods out there, the
one that is most reliable and places the burden where it SHOULD be (on the
male) is vasectomy.
proposal is quite simple...every male should have a vasectomy. Perhaps it
could even be done before the baby is released from the hospital. (The
majority of males get circumcised so why not go one more snip?) It could
even be a requirement before a male child is released from the hospital!
No sperm means no pregnancy. No pregnancy means no abortion!
How simple is that?
you jump down my throat, vasectomies CAN be reversed. So when a man is of
age and he and his female companion are committed to starting a family, he just
undergoes the knife again. How easy is that? And even if you DON'T
think it is easy; remember you are potentially saving an aborted fetus.
Surely the mild inconvenience would be worth it.
let's all be pro-life (or should that be pro-fetus/pro-zygote?) AND
pro-choice. Let woman and man together make that all important decision
on when they are ready to procreate. Prevent insemination by stopping
sperm. Save the sperm. No conception. No abortion. A always remember (as we were taught in The Meaning of Life): Every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great. If a sperm is wasted, God gets quite irate." Eliminate all shades of, get a vasectomy today!
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