Vacation = Relaxation, Part 5 (the End)

(Note:  so it's taken me a while to wrap this up...and realizing how much I am missing the relaxation...)  If you've missed any previous installments:

Now, where were we?  Our final dinner  at the Windsor Dining room.  This vacation may have been a while ago, but I can still remember how good the meal was.  I started with the Brie Mixed Berry Chutney.  Mouth watering just at the memory.  Both of my guys tried cheese board which is actually served on a board that is shaped like Pennsylvania!  (It's those little touches).  Perhaps I should have tried something different for my entree, but the lamb had been so good on Saturday night, I couldn't pass it up.  I swear if I could have I would have picked that rack dry so that I could get every single morsel.  Yes, it was that good.  

After dinner my son decided to do some putting out on the green.  He always enjoys playing around, but it looked like the green needed some work.  There definitely weren't 9 holes on each green.  And several were filled in?  I'm not sure
what was going on there.  Nonetheless, he  had a good time.  (Even if he is not a natural golfer; does that even really matter?)

I spent the rest of the evening watching the sun set and the evening fall from the south porch.  (Along with a glass of wine.)  My son went and roasted some marshmellows again.  Why not?  It was a lovely evening.  

The next day was the worst day of the trip...because we were going home.  I didn't want to leave.  (I never want to leave.)  But all good things must come to an end.  (Sadly)

The morning started out in an eerie fog:  

However, I knew it would pass.  So we went in for our final meal.  A delicious breakfast, which I capped off with a cappuccino.  Why not?

The fog did start roll away and I knew the day wuold eventually turn bright and beautiful.  Not what you want when you have to go home, but...there was still enough time for one final walk around the lake.

Sadly , then it was time to check out of our room and head in the car to go home.  Which we did without incident or too much traffic.  And then it was back to reality and laundry.

Some final thoughts to wrap up this multi-part vacation tale:

  1. There are plenty of activities at Skytop.  You will never get to do all that you want during your stay and that's okay. There's always next time (or the time after that!)
  2. Doing nothing is a perfectly acceptable activity.  Though it is obvious that my favorite place to do nothing is the South porch, there are plenty of cozy nooks to curl up in.  Find your "place" and relax.
  3. You might think your stay is a bit on the expensive side.  Well, this is no cheapie motel, but what motel would offer the views and the activities? If you opt for a meal plan, you'll really get your moneys worth.  (Take it from someone who can pinch a penny.)  Don't worry about packing on those pounds; you can always walk/hike/bike/golf, etc. it off!  
  4. The meals:  I'm partial to the Windsor Dining room.  While I like the Lakeview (with the incredible views), the Windsor will always be "our family" place.  Some day, however, I must try the Tap Room.  Since it's renovations it's become incredibly popular and while I can SEE why, I'd like to taste why!
  5. If you or someone in your family has food allergies, make sure you speak with food staff PRIOR to your stay.  I cannot say enough good things about Colleen.  She gets it and she makes sure her staff does too.  I can actual relax, eat and enjoy.  For me, that is a rarity.  Thank you Colleen!  
Why do we keep returning to Skytop?  Well it is a family tradition for us, but more importantly it is like a second home...and one where someone cooks, cleans and takes care of you!  You and your family are welcomed in a way that is all too rare these days.  But don't take my word for it; check it out yourself and let me know what YOU think.


  1. That lamb looks amazing! I would have ordered it again as well :)


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