Where Did Summer Go?

It's September!  Already!  Although it is still summer until the 23rd, for most of us the season is over whether it is official or not.  School is back in season, traffic is backed up.  (Unless you're down the shore...in which case the LACK of traffic is as refreshing as a pumpkin spiced latte on a cool autumn day!)

Summer is the strangest season.  It FLIES by, yet things that happen in the summer seem like an eternity ago.  It makes no sense.  But yet that's the way it seems to me.  (Hopefully it seems that way to others as well and I'm not the only crazy one.)

Although it seems too soon for my son to be starting high school (how freaked out am I over that?), his middle school "graduation" seems like ages ago.  In truth, it was at the end of June so it wasn't that long.  Yet that whole days seems so far away.

I look back at the calendar and my photos for the past two months.  I did a lot of things!  My son went to camp.  My husband and I went to the shore for the 4th of July.  

My son came back from camp and I did massive amounts of laundry. 

 My son visited my in laws and then went away with them to the Berkshires.

We used our grill.  (Ok, my HUSBAND used the grill)

My son went away to Purdue University for the Presbyterian Youth Triennium.  It was the hottest part of July and thankfully he was put in one of the dorms that had air conditioning.  (Apparently all dorms are not air conditioned).  It was so hot that my husband and I went back to the shore.  (We don't have central air; my parents do!)

My son came home from Triennium (still during the heat wave); dirty and tired.  But he said he WASN'T tired...until...  Five hour later...he wakes up and says:  "Did I take a nap?"

We celebrated my husband's birthday.

My son and I went to the shore.  I got to try and enjoy a new (and award winning) drink:
The Thirsty Lobster.  (I still don't know everything that's in it.  The secret ingredients and skills of the creator resulted in an award for them both). 
My son and I also got to enjoy watching the Sanderling Regetta (Annual event hosted by the Normandy Beach Yacht Club; a tradition of over 20 years!

I attended (solo) a fantastic concert by Chris Isaak and had the pleasure of participating in a meet and greet.  (For the full story:  https://bfthsboringblog.blogspot.com/2019/08/a-chris-isaak-adventure-gentleman-and.html)    (That's my backside in the photo to the right...Not flattering for me, but definitely good of Chris and his band mates:  Hersh and Kenny)

We saw my son perform in a modified version of "Your A Good Man Charlie Brown" (with three Charlie Browns, 3 Lucys, 2 Snoopys and 2 Woodstocks)

And then, there was the fantastic 3-1/2 day family vacation in the Poconos.  (I know I haven't finished up the trip report on that...thank goodness I'm a note taker!)  It was so relaxing...why does it seem like so long ago when it was barely a month?  

A week later and my son was performing in another modified musical, this time it was "Mary Poppins" (with 4 Marys, but only one Bert and that was my son!) 

Then we took my son back to my in-laws for another couple of days of fun with his grandparents.

Then when he got back from there, the two of headed that weekend down to my parents.  A friend of mine from college was driving her daughter back to school (aka our Alma Mater) and swung by for  a good time of conversation and snacks.  This was followed the next day by sailboat races at Lavalette Yacht Club and an annual party immediately after.

Which brings us to Labor Day weekend!  September!  Time to organize for a new school year and a new school experience!

As I look back, there was so much that happened this summer and yet it seems like I didn't do that much.  Did I really have a summer vacation?  Well I really DID have a summer...with a little vacation thrown in.  And now it's all over.

Where does the summer go?


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