Let's Talk About Dentists
I have nothing against
dentists. I've had dentists I've LOVED; I've had ones I've not liked that
much. I've had good experience and I've had badly. (Probably more
bad than good though...) And while I've not had anything that major done
to my mouth (other than wisdom teeth removal over 30 years ago which is a
horror story unto itself), I have to say that I HATE going to the dentist.

Let's get back to going to the
dentist. Is there anyone out there that actually LIKES going?
I did know someone once who loved
to get her teeth cleaned. She said she felt better after going to the
dentist. She is the only person I ever met who felt that way.
Again, this is nothing against
dentists as people, but the whole "cleaning" thing totally freaks me
out. I understand that cleaning is important. I understand that
good dental hygiene is important. What I don't get is why metal hooks
need to be put into my mouth so that my teeth can be "scraped" and my
gums prodded. Just take a look at the implements dentists use; sharp
pointy metal things. The very type of objects that we tell our children NOT to
put in their mouths. Then you have to hold your mouth open while someone
takes this implement and "cleans." You get to lie there (I have
found that most of those chairs are not incredibly comfortable; although I did
come across one that gave you a little massage, which made the experience a
little more tolerable) while a bright light shine in your eyes (so that the
dentist can see...I get that) and your mouth hanging open in an unnatural
state. (And I've been told I have a small mouth. I don't disagree.
But that means opening as wide as possible and then having my mouth contorted
into whatever position that dentist needs.) What is NOT stressful about
that? Who WOULD look forward to that?
Then there are x-rays. Again,
realize that they are important. I don't want cavities. And if I DO
get one, I want it found (hence the x-ray) and taken care of BEFORE it become a
really big problem. HOWEVER, the x-ray procedure is another process that
raises my stress level. You're under a heavy apron (to protect you) and
again lying in a chair that has you in a somewhat unnatural position.
Then you have this piece of cardboard or something like it (I know technology
has upgraded and individual "film" has been replaced with a plastic
like "thing") angled in your mouth while you bite down and try not to
gag as this thing that looks like it could shoot laser beams is pointed at you
and the x-ray is taken. This happens 4 - 8 times so that all angles can
be achieved. Don't flinch. Don't move. Or you'll have to do
it some more. Again, I have a small mouth and positioning the
"film" isn't easy or comfortable. I know this only takes a
couple of minutes, but it feels like an eternity while I'm trying to stay still
and not choke or vomit.
Then there is the actual
"brushing." This is not painful. (Other than you still
have to have your mouth hanging open and are lying in that chair counting the
seconds until this will all be over.) However, the SOUND of the brush.
WHY do all motorized instruments that dentists use, be it brush, drill, or
whatever, sound so horrible? That's that whirly, grindy high pitched
noise! Why not just have someone stand in the room and run their
fingernails up and down a chalkboard? That would be more relaxing!
That high pitched squeal that I hear even as I sit in the waiting room before
my appointment makes my skin crawl!
When you are finally released
(FREEDOM) they give you one of those little plastic baggies with a toothbrush,
toothpaste and floss. (I used to get mouth wash too, but my dentist has
discontinued doing that. Might have been too costly. Maybe that
explains why in addition to dentistry the office is now offering BOTOX?
You've contorted my mouth into all sorts of weird shapes so now I have wrinkles
all over my face, but you can fix that by injecting me with a toxin,
right?) I appreciate the freebies, but the little plastic baggie?
Can't we come up with something better? It's not big enough to re-use
(even as a trash can liner) and isn't attractive enough to use as a small gift
bag. It's not environmentally friendly. Basically, it just drives
me batty! (Not that it takes much!)
What are your thoughts on going to the dentist. I know I'm not the ONLY one who feels this way about at least SOME of those things, but am I on point on each and every one? Let me know that I'm not alone. Make suggestions as to how I (and anyone else reading this) can make the experience less stressful. Share your stories! I want to know!
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