Technology Joy


My son is in Walt Disney World.  I am not.  It's KILLING me.  Not just because I want to be there with my son, but because I just want to BE there!  But that's not how it worked out.

This is not the first time I've been jealous of someone who is vacationing in WDW while I am not.  To be honest, that happens A LOT.  I love WDW and for me it's been a LONG time since we've been there.  However, technology has made the sting a little less painful.

If you're old (like me), you might remember the jingle:  "Reach out, reach out and touch someone." (The AT&T/Bell Telephone jingle)  Even before the advent of smart phones (or the advent of ME having one), mobile phones could help feed my addiction.  When my (late) brother would go to WDW (or when I went and he was at home), we would play a game over the phone called "Where in Disney am I?"  There was no video, just background sounds (and music).  I could ALWAYS nail it. (I'm that good!  Or maybe that obsessed).  Today, this is "old school," but back then it was a thrill. It was a small way to be a part of the adventure.

Technology has advanced since then, and at least for today, I am grateful.  Everyone in my immediate family has a smart phone.  We have Life360 so we can keep track of each other.  I'll admit, while my son has been in WDW, I've been checking in a LOT.  Helicopter mom?  Maybe some times, but for me it's less about tracking him and more about figuring out what fun attractions are being experienced.  I "watched" as he did the Tower of Terror (for the first time) in Disney Hollywood Studios.  I can say he spent a lot of time in Pixar Place.  (And I managed to get him to send me a selfie in the queue at Toy Story Midway Mania.  The only photo I have gotten thus far.)

Because of technology (and a GREAT friend who lives in the area), I got to see my son sing at Disney Springs the other day.  Thanks to J, who sat in the hot sun and live streamed via Facebook Messenger from her phone to mine and then my tech guru (aka my husband) cast the stream from my phone to our television.  It wasn't as good as being there, but it was darned close.  The music parents association also live streamed the concert on Facebook, which I was able to view later.  (And yes, shared with my friends.)

This morning, the band (which my son is not in) got to march down Main Street.  Something that I did with the same group back in the last century.  Because of technology (and the wonderful parent organization and those who were able to go along), I was to see and hear the band as they marched. It brought back so many memories and filled me with pride to watch them.  With all the "crap" that is going on in the world, and on a cloudy cold day in NJ, what a joy it is to see these talented students (many whom I have known since they and my son were in kindergarten).  Maybe its better that I am NOT there or I would have been crying and hugging them.  (Which is not typically what teens want to deal with.)

For the rest of the day and tomorrow, my son and his friends will get to explore and have fun.  You know I'll be following.  You know I'll text him and try to get some photos.  I'll TRY not to be too big of a pain in the you know what, but...  When he finally gets home on Sunday night, I'll hug and kiss him (which he'll hate). Then I'll bombard him with questions and beg to see the photos he has taken on his digital camera.  (I have a suspicion that some of these may end up as part of a project for his digital photography class.)

I'll be the first to admit that technology can be a pain in the...That it can be invasive in our lives.  That it's not always good for our well-being.  But when it works...when I can almost be a part of the magic...I'll rejoice and give an alleluia!  ALLELUIA!


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