Mother's Day Weekend 2021

 While Mother's Day weekend might not have been the best for me, I do have to unequivocally say it was much better than last year.

It was a crazy busy one for me and my family starting on Thursday, which was opening night for the spring musical.  YES!  The high school theater group managed to pull off a live production.  And it was indeed a labor of love for all involved.  The director (English teacher) pulled together the "usual" conductor/vocal teacher and choreographer and together they came up with a cabaret style show which highlighted musicals through the ages.  They cast remotely.  They rehearsed outdoors (in masks).  They secured an outdoor theater venue.  They were only able to rehearse in the actual space for 3 days prior to the show and then they went live for three nights.  They worked through technical mishaps and dueling geese.  They froze.  (Who imagined it would so cold in May?  On closing night I dug out my winter parka and was still cold sitting there.  I also had gloves and a blanket over the multiple layers I wore.)  They prayed to the theater gods who blessed them with 3 rain free nights.  (Although it came very close on Saturday to NOT happening...the rain didn't let up until after 5.)  I can't begin to say how proud I was of everyone involved.

However, it was exhausting.  Though the show opened on Thursday, as co-president of the parent organization behind it, I was out there on Wednesday evening "flocking" our local schools for publicity. (The flamingo is the group's "mascot" and the annual fundraiser [except for last year when the pandemic made us call it off] is the opportunity to have a flock of a dozen pink plastic flamingos appear on the front lawn of the person of your choice.)  This was coordinated with all the school principals to encourage students to come out and see the show.  (Unfortunately, it seemed to encourage vandalism at the high school and one elementary school which sits right behind the high school.  Good thing I went out walking early on Thursday morning and was able to fix most of it.  However, when I pulled the flocks at 6 AM Saturday morning [because it was supposed to start raining around 7], I found two flamingos lying on the shoulder of the street.  It's not easy being a plastic flamingo.)  Additionally, rehearsal that night ran until about 10:30.  (I'm NOT a night person!)

Thursday would have been an early day in school for choir, but thankfully the teacher cancelled the early morning class as half of her students were in the show and she knew they'd need a break.  (I so appreciated this.)  I took my son up to the venue before 6 and returned before 7 to help set up the concession stand.  This is when I realized just how cold it would be up on that mountain!  Every night of the show got colder (and damper), which is why by Saturday I dug out the winter coat.  

You'd think that after two late nights, I'd want to sleep in on Saturday, but as I previously said, I wanted to pull the flamingos before the rain and store them in my garage before 8:30. (My garage will no longer hold a car, but will hold several hundred plastic flamingos.)  Why such a specific time?  Because this was happening Saturday morning:  

Yes, I FINALLY found someone who was willing and able to take on our patio project.  I had wanted to do this last year (, but it wasn't until recently that I actually found someone who provided me with a quality proposal, answered my questions and responds to phone calls, emails and texts.  The demolition started around nine in the morning.  (Even my teen couldn't sleep through it.)  By noon time this is what we had:   If the weather is in our favor (I don't know how many times I can pray to/rely on the weather gods), the real work will begin mid week.  With a little luck, by the birthday (June), we will have a new and useable patio!  Maybe even some new furniture.  (I can't even begin to think about this until I see how the construction is completed.)

So maybe I could sleep in on Mother's Day?  If 7:30 counts, then I did.  (That IS really late for me since I am usually up before 6 on weekends, but I didn't get to bed until after midnight.)  I had a very important virch (virtual church) service to attend  (A celebration of ordination!) at 8 that morning.  Then, once my son was awake, I prodded him to get out of bed (so I could wash sheets) and get dressed so that we could go visit my in-laws for Mother's Day.  While all that was happening, I quickly ran out to purchase a flowering plant for my mother-in-law.  (I'd ordered flowers for my mother which arrived earlier in the week.  As much as I try I can't be in two places at once, so this year it was the in-laws for the holiday.  I'm planning on packing up the family and having us all head to see my parents in two weeks for my parents' anniversary.)  Managed to get everyone in the car and on the road just after 10:30.  (Not bad!)  We had a lovely lunch and afternoon with them.  My generous mother-in-law gave me a gift!  (Is that supposed to happen?)  It's a beautiful gold chain with a gold shell pendant with a pearl inside.  (Perfect for an ocean lover like me.)

Unfortunately, it started to rain when we headed home.  (I thought it was April showers that brought May flowers...this year it seems like May showers bringing cold, damp and miserable.) So while the day ended on a wet note, I am thrilled that we got to see my in-laws.  Additionally, since we had such a huge lunch, I didn't have to make dinner!  (Although I DID make Monday's lunch for my son with leftovers that my mother-in-law provided me with,  Fingers crossed that it doesn't rain AGAIN so that I have to run up and pick him up like I did last Wednesday:

Hope all of you (whether you are a mother or not) had a nice weekend.  As for me, maybe next year I'll slow down for Mother's Day.  (But don't bet on it!)


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