Third Time's The Charm?

 This morning I was finally able to get out and walk.  I was out on Monday, but Tuesday and Wednesday it was raining.  I kept checking every half hour until it was time for me to "get ready" for work.  How ready am I really getting when I'm just walking into my home office and turning on a computer?  Well I like to be "dressed" and have a cup of coffee by CBS This Morning before I actually settle down to work.  So my "deadline" is 6:58 so I catch Your World in 90 Seconds and then boot up the computer while still keeping my eye on Gayle King, Anthony Mason and Tony Dokoupil. If there's something urgent that I've missed from the night before, then I get to work; otherwise, I'm all CBS This Morning until 8.  (I can't miss my What to Watch with Vlad Duthiers at 7:48 and I'll admit if things are slow at "the office" I'll keep watching until after the 8:30 Talk of the Table.  Do I seem a little obsessed with CBS This Morning?)  

So it seems like I have gotten totally off track here (as I often do), but this morning was the first time in 3 days that I could actually get out in the morning and walk.  And walk I did!  Since I'd missed 2 days, I put over 7 miles (which took me 2 hours) to try and catch up.  Those butt/bun muscles were not happy with all the hills; they are sure to come back and haunt me tonight.  

Third time is also the charm when it comes to...can you guess...air conditioners. If you haven't already read:  and do a quick scan before continuing on.

Continuing on, yesterday the third Frigidaire A/C unit showed up on our doorstep.  This time, it did not come through Amazon, but directly from Frigidaire.  (Guess they were tired of my husband calling and trying to get a unit that actually worked as advertised.)  I wasn't hopeful.  As matter of fact, I was full of doom and gloom, but when I heard a "woo hoo!" from my husband I realized that the third time WAS the charm. We finally got a unit that worked as advertised.  (Maybe I shouldn't say that; I don't want to jinx it.)  Of course we ordered the first unit back in early August and we didn't get a properly working unit until early September, but...I was glad to have it last night as it has gotten hot again and very humid.

Where the third time has NOT been the charm is in getting contractors to come out and look at my patio.  I know:  EVERYONE is looking to get work done. (Which is why I didn't bat an eye when our electrician said it would be 2 weeks before someone would be able to come out and look at a small problem we had.)  I know everyone is busy.  But if you say you're available to come out x day at y time; show up.  And if you can't, just let me know.  I know stuff comes up.  It happens to me too!  Just let me know.  And once you do come out and get an idea of what we could do, follow up with a proposal or quote.  With much back and forth, I managed to get 5 estimators out over the past week and a half, but thus far I've only seen one estimate.  (In all fairness, the last one was just this morning, so I'll cut him some slack.)  I don't recall it being this difficult when we had the downstairs painted at the beginning of this mess.  (  Maybe that's because we started the process PRIOR to the world going crazy.

Of course once we get more estimates, then we'll have to see if we can actually afford this.  If we can swing it (fingers crossed...should I invest in a lottery ticket?), then we'll have to see when the work can be started.  I'm hoping this autumn, but who knows.  Let's face it, this year anything goes.  And the only thing I can count on is Spragg continuing to bloom and grow!

With that said, here's wishing everyone who takes the time reading this DOESN'T have to wait for the third time to be the charm.

Stay safe.  Stay well.  Be charmed.


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