Why I'm Not a Fan Of Winter

It's been pretty mild this winter and I'm certainly not complaining about that.  The past two days were pretty bitter as far as temperatures go, which is enough to bring out the whiny brat in me.  On the bright side (as far as I see it), at least we haven’t had any snow.  I know for some people that's a downside, but for me you can have some snow for Christmas so that everything looks pretty and then after that I'm over it.  Who wants to shovel?  Who wants to start the snow blower?  (And there's always the question of how early can I start the darned thing?  I'm up at 4:30 every morning.  I know it would be way too rude to start it up then, but what is an acceptable time?  And even more important, what is an acceptable time on the weekend when I don't have to be out the door by 7:30?)

Even without snow, winter is just a big pain in the butt in my book.  I hate the cold.  I love snuggling under my many blankets and fleece sheets, but unfortunately, I can't live in my bed.  I'm just one of those people who despite saying how much I would just like to stay in bed, will never do it.  (I'm not just a Type A personality, I'm a type A+!)

Winter messes up my schedule.  I rarely walk outside in the winter.  It's not just about the cold (although that is a major factor).  The walkways and streets get slick and I'll admit that I'm not the most coordinated person.  The last thing I want to do on a dark morning is fall on my behind (or any other part).  While I always carry my cell phone no matter when I walk (a lesson I learned the hard way), how embarrassing would be to have to call for help at 5 in the morning?  (It was embarrassing enough when I fell down ice skating.)  

Plus it's dark in the mornings and it doesn't start to get light until after I'm done.  In the spring and fall, it may start out dark, but there is a glimmer of hope as I wrap things up (or even before then).  And in the summer, it's light even before I get my sneakers on.

Things take longer in the winter.  Getting dressed takes longer.  You can't just throw on a t shirt and shorts.  You have to layer...and layer.  Socks are a must.  There's the bulky coat that never wants to zip properly.  There are hats and scarves.  Gloves that always go missing.  (I am notorious for wearing mismatched gloves.  What do I care as long as they keep my hands warm?  And to be honest, sometimes I wear two pair because I'm just that cold!)  While I have never been slim (and I never will be...curse you chocolate!), in the winter I become the Staypuff Marshmallow woman.  Like Ralphie's little brother in "A Christmas Story" my arms won't go down.  (If you doubt me, catch me at 6 or so in the morning when I rush out to get a newspaper.)

My car doesn't like winter either.  Even though I do my best to keep it safe and semi-warm in the garage, it makes that whiny sound when I start it up, put it in gear and head up the driveway.  It doesn't want to go out there either! I can't blame it.  Last year, during that cold snowy month, it got hit not once, but twice (http://bfthsboringblog.blogspot.com/2015/02/bfths-bitchin-or-would-you-like-little.html) by the time the car finally starts to get warm, I'm almost to work.  Thankfully, my dad gave me a seat warmer for Christmas.  My husband strapped it on and I pulled it in to what once would have been a cigarette lighter.  My backside is toasty before I leave the block.  One of the best gifts I ever got.

Seat warmer aside and despite the somewhat warm weather, I'm already over winter.  I'm ready to move on to spring.  Only 73 days to go.  Is anyone else counting?


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