Don't Break the Law: Take Down Your Decorations

Ok, so there is no law (at least that I know of).  I just WISH there was.  They should not go up before Thanksgiving and should be down before Martin Luther King's Birthday is observed.

I'll be even more flexible here.  You can put them up before Thanksgiving; if you don't turn them on (or if they are inflatable, blow them up.)  I understand that sometimes you have to make hay while the sun shines.  If it's going to be bitter cold the day after Thanksgiving and it's in the 60s the weekend before; do what you've got to do.  

I love Christmas decorations; I truly do.  I drive around town with my family to check them out prior to the holidays.  But the holidays are over.  It's true.  We've passed the 12th day of Christmas.  Joseph has packed up his family, paid his manger bill and headed for Egypt leaving a very pissed off Herod and a mess of dead children. (Check out Matthew 2:16; it’s not a nice tale.)  It's time to take 'em down.  Really.  Truly.  Take down your Christmas lights!

Now I realize that there might be exceptions and reasons why you haven't taken them down.  I'm a reasonable woman.  I'm willing to hear those reasons and if I judge them worthy, give you a pass.  But not all of you with those giant Santas and icicle lights have a good reason. Don't try to convince yourself otherwise.  Just take down the darned decorations.

If CVS can have the Valentine's Day candy out a week BEFORE Christmas (wrong on so many levels), you can find a few minutes to take your decorations down.  (Before they freeze to the ground, which they may have already done, which still doesn’t excuse you from taking them down.  You should have known better.)

Please don't try to tell me that they're Valentine's Day lights or that Santa is really St. Patrick.  I'm not buying it.  Easter is coming way too early this year.  (Its March people; unfair, but true.)  Take those decorations down now!

And while I am joking (ok, only partially), just think about how much revenue a town could make if there was actually a law on the books that fined people who kept their decorations up too long.  We could add a new wing onto the high school with the funds that could be raised!  (Think about it town council; just think about it.)

So, me a yourself a favor.  Take down your Christmas decorations.  I'd appreciate it (and I bet so would your neighbors).


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