Summer's Here

 Summer officially arrived yesterday.  Of course it's been feeling like summer all week with temperatures in the 90s.  (Climate change people, it IS a thing and it IS something we need to be dealing with, but that's a post for another day.)  The ceiling fans have been going non-stop at my house and we've kept (keeping) the portable air conditioner on 24/7 in our home office, set to the lowest temperature the unit will allow.  It's not that it will get to that temperature and it's not to keep us cool.  It's to the computer equipment in there from overheating and dying.  As my husband said, our electric bill may be high, but it's cheaper than having to buy all new computer(s) and the "stuff" (that's my term) that goes along with it.

This has been the week of graduations.  Yes, my son graduated from high school last year, but several of his friends graduated on Wednesday night and his girlfriend graduated last night.  For some reason, this has tugged at my heart.  I am pulled back to last June when my son was graduating and my father was dying.  The anniversary of his death (which will be followed by the 2nd anniversary of my mother's death just a few days later) looms large in my mind.  The graduation season has been a trigger of emotional turmoil for me this year.  ( I hope it will be the last, but who knows.)

To "escape" the heat (there is no escaping really), my husband and I headed to the shore last night.  I have always been told that 7 PM is the "sweet spot" for traveling on the GSP.  It's obvious that is no longer the case.  Yes, it was better than driving down at 5ish like I have done before (off season), but traffic was still very heavy with stop and go...I'm guessing there is no longer a "sweet spot" and that "rush hour" runs from 5 in the morning to 10 and then from 3 in the afternoon to 8 or so at night.  Although why there was so much traffic is beyond me, it seems like EVERYONE is already here!

I should take that back.  There is no one at the "annoying house with the lights" ( and AMAZINGLY there are not too many lights on.  (Just the solar powered ones on the deck/dock which are tolerable.)  Although I had to turn the a/c on last night (something I am loathe to do...I want the sea breezes), I didn't pull the blinds completely down so I could see the moon and stars as I drifted off.  And then I watched the sun start to come up this morning.  (Then I turned over and went back to sleep...yesterday was a LONG day!)  I love waking up to a view of the sky, the mountains, the's calming and the day just starts out better.

I was able to turn off the a/c in the morning and open all the windows.  As I write this there is a magnificent breeze.  It may not last, but I'll take it for how ever long it will go.  This is what the shore should be about; not a/c, but cool breezes with a hint of sea salt.   In my opinion, this is what summer SHOULD be.  (Turn off those a/c units and let the breeze flow.)  While temperatures will soar later today, with an umbrella up on the deck, it is quite comfortable.  And a welcome change to what this week has been:  oppressively hot.

So far (and I know this will change quickly), it has been quiet here.  There is some traffic noise, but not much.  (That will change this evening...and getting from one point to another on the island will be unbearably long.)  Mostly the "noise" consists of the water lapping at the bulkhead and the numerous birds.  Much more enjoyable than overheard loud cell phone conversations (and yes, I heard one earlier today and I DIDN'T want to) and construction.  How much nicer is it to listen to the gulls than a dumpster being cleared or a car alarm going off, seemingly forever?

Troubles and cares seem lighter on this breezy summer day.  I need that. We all need that!

Let's hope that this summer is slow, quiet and full of cool breezes.   Hopefully one where I am not haunted by trauma of the past.  (That's something I need to work on!)  Let it be a time to relax and renew.   Breathe in and out...summer is here. 


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