Random Thoughts on a Summer Saturday

 It's summer.  It's Saturday.  And here's what I'm thinking...

  • Outdoor showers are awesome.  Showering under the sky (whether it be blue or dark and scattered with stars) is something to experience.  Use coconut shampoo and "tropical scent" body wash/soap and you are taken away to the island life no matter where you are. Downside?  Bird poop on the floor.  And that's why I wear flip flops (and aim the shower spray to wash it away).

  • The gulls are using my dock as a "dropping" ground and feeding station again.  (They catch crabs and then drop them on the ground in order to break the shell open and eat them.)

  • How did this happen?  This planter has always had a little pine tree/sapling in it, but now there's an eastern prickly pear in there too?  There is an eastern prickly pear in the front of the house, but this is behind it and in a planter?  I'm guessing local birds have had a hand in this. 

  • The peach tree is starting to blossom.  These never grow to "normal" size; they are always very small.  The challenge is letting them ripen, but keeping the birds from getting them.  Birds will peck and partially eat them, leaving them on the branches to rot.  I'd say 90% of the "crop" is "lost."  I usually only get a few that are good enough for human consumption.  Maybe this year will be different?

  • And how did this happen?  Sweet peas were favorites of my mother.  I know they spread out, but this is pretty strange/amazing.  Funnily enough the original plant in the backyard has NOT flowered yet.

  • An ocean or mountain breeze can make all the difference in the world.  Where it was near 100 degrees in North NJ, it was tolerable down on the barrier island.  Didn't even turn on the a/c yesterday (and I was prepared to do so).  Slept with all the windows open.  (Although hubby said he got too hot in the middle of the night.  Did he get up, shut up the house and turn on the a/c?  He did not.  Why?  Is there any good answer for this?)

  • The AH across the lagoon is back and yes, the glaring outdoor lights are on 24/7 again. I suppose I should be happy that I got one light free night.  AH who is staying there (I don't know if he's the owner, I've seen so many different people there ) went swimming in the lagoon yesterday, which I would not recommend as stinging nettles have been making it their home.  Is it wrong that I was disappointed that he DIDN'T get stung?

  • Although it was nearly 100 in North NJ yesterday, my son wore jeans.  He hates shorts and doesn't really have many pairs. I had him go shopping to find a pair the other day and he came back empty handed.  Being the obsessive mom that I am, I went and bought him two pairs this morning.  Will he ever wear them?  Highly unlikely.  Will they end up at the thrift shop?  Highly likely.  Keep your fingers crossed that he MIGHT actually wear them.  Side note:  he and his friends are headed to the shore today, do you think he is wearing shorts this morning?  I have no idea, but...

  • Where does one go to get "inexpensive" shorts?  If you are this crazy mom, you head to Walmart first thing in the morning.  Nearest one opens at 6 in the morning and I was there by 5:51.  There was no way I was going to get stuck in traffic by going later in the day. I was NOT the only one waiting for the doors to open.  I was, however, the only woman waiting.

  • I ALWAYS end up spending/buying more than I intended when I go to Walmart.  Yes, I got my son two pairs of shorts, but I also got myself a pair and two tops.  Top that off with coffee creamer, diet soda (Twist Up is better than Sprite Zero, Starry Zero [formerly Diet Sierra Mist] or Diet 7 Up), Lysol Laundry Sanitizer (didn't need it, but it was on sale, cheaper than I've seen recently and it won't go bad) and a giant Mr. Goodbar (please don't judge me).

  • Do we really NEED Star Wars Oreos?  And if so, why now?  (I did NOT buy them, but I'll admit that I was tempted).

  • In the parking lot, some guy talked to me.  (I had seen him previously when we were waiting to go in and he had started a conversation with another man who was waiting to go in.)  I have no idea who he was and he clearly thought I was someone he thought he knew.  I simply smiled and was polite.  Let him think I was the person he knew.  No harm done.

  • Since the heatwave began earlier this week, I've been wearing more sleeveless tops and/or sundresses.  Now, I've never been thin, but recently I've noticed that my arms are really getting flabby.  My mother refused to wear no or short sleeve tops because of her arms.  I'm not going that route.  I will never have Michelle Obama's arms. (Could ANYONE have those incredible arms?  Michelle is unparalleled when it comes to arms!)  However, I wish I could have better arms!  Suggestions?  Or maybe I should rephrase that...sensible suggestions that a not incredibly fit, but not a complete mess, older woman could do?

  • Finally, it's the first Saturday race this summer for the BBYRA.  This more than anything, makes me miss my father.  For DECADES he was out on the bay every Saturday.  (Until his health made it impossible.)  I'll probably walk over to the bay and see if I can view any of the races.  Watching those boats sail is a rite of summer.  Of course because it is the first race of the 2024 summer season, the breezes (that I raved about) have died down.  Which means...

  • It's time to shut up the house and put on that a/c.

Stay cool, however you can this summer Saturday, and have a GREAT day!


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