Simple Joys?

These past weeks have been a little (?!) emotional for me.   (Outlined why in a post found here)  So the fact that my heart is so filled with joy this Monday morning is truly a blessing.  Why?  Some of it is simple, some not so...

Yesterday evening while my husband and I were at the shore my son went to see his girlfriend.  She attends a different high school than he did and will be graduating in just a few weeks.  She's a very sweet person and I'm grateful that she is part of our lives.  Unlike my son, she has never gone to a prom.  Her senior prom is next week and she asked my son to escort her.  (When my son went to his proms, he went with a group of friends...obviously this is a bit different.)  He had already agreed to go, but last night (and without our knowing), she "prom posed" to him. (If you don't know what a promoposal is:  Luckily, her mom texted me photos. (Which I will respectfully NOT matter how much I want to.  And trust me, I WANT to!)  Basically, she knows how much he loves raspberry sorbet (and sorbet is hard find around here these days), so she presented him with a cone of raspberry sherbert (told you sorbet was hard to find) with an artfully designed sign that read:  "I would be BERRY happy if you went to PROM with me!!"  Is it any wonder why we adore her?  (And I love her mom too who supplied me with photos of the event.)  Needless to say my husband and I were incredibly happy and shared the news with my mother-in-law and other relatives.  (It was hard NOT to be able to tell my mom or dad, but I know they know.)

Then, when I went to bed last night the annoying house with the lights across the lagoon (Reference: had most of their lights off! (The solar activated dock lights still came on at dusk.)  So I was able to keep the door open, see the beautiful night sky and enjoy the breezes.  It was also relatively quiet. (The summer crowds have yet to hit and being a Sunday evening the weekend crowds had diminished.)  Perfect sleeping weather.  And I slept!  (Definitely a joy!)

When I woke up this morning (too early), it was not yet light out.  But I could see the sky starting to change.  I decided to go for a walk.  Before I did, like many people, I checked my phone and saw a message from my son letting me know that he had gotten home safely last night and telling me that he had (FINALLY) gotten his grades for last semester.  Once again, he had gotten all As!  (Although I think one or more may be A-)  Great news to wake up to!  For the 2nd semester, he will make Dean's List.  To say I'm I even have to say that?

I went for my walk.  It was beautiful and inspirational and I'll let my (so not great) photos show what a wonderful morning walk it was.  I even saw some "new" (to me) birds that I had never seen before.

Now, as I finish writing this, Wawa coffee in hand, I can look out and see two mallards sleeping on the dock while the flag waves in the breeze against a blue sky.  Mondays are good when they are filled with simple joys...May we all be blessed to keep finding them!


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