Memorial Day 2020

This Memorial Day looks and feels like no other.  There are no parades.  My local wreath laying ceremony was done privately over the weekend and will be steamed on social media this morning.  This year Memorial Day IS different.  But it doesn't make the holiday any less significant and we shouldn't let it pass by without honoring those who sacrificed their lives so that we could be here today.  

How can we honor those of have fallen when we can't follow traditional ways?  What actions can we take to SHOW our respect for those who fought for our liberties?  (NOT your liberty or mine, but OURS.)  We can ACT and LIVE showing respect for our fellow man and today that looks a little different than it previously has.

Starting in WWI, servicemen were issued gas masks for protection against poison gas.  Maybe they weren't perfect, but they WERE protection and certainly without them many more would have died.  Today we know that wearing a facial covering CAN help stop the spread of corona virus, or the invisible enemy.  Facial coverings may NOT be perfect, but they ARE protection for ourselves and others and without them many more may get ill and/or die.  To honor our servicemen and women, to show respect for one another, we should wear facial coverings when we will come into contact with others and where REQUIRED.  (For example, the sign in my local park says facial covering is required.  It doesn't say facial covering is required during "busy" hours or daylight hours.  It says facial covering is required.  So if I'm going to the park, no matter what time it is or how many people are or are NOT there, I wear a facial covering.  It is what is REQUIRED.)  Our service people did what was REQUIRED of them to serve their country during wartime ; shouldn't we do the same during this pandemic?

Our service people, living and dead, serve for us all. The Revolutionary War was not fought so that one colony could be free.  The Civil War was not fought so that one slave could go free.  They put their country above self.  Their service and sacrifice is for the greater good.  Shouldn't we follow their example?  Shouldn't we look out for one another.  Shouldn't we try to do what is not best for just our own interests, but for our community, our state and our country?  Shouldn't we act in such a way that is reflective of what our service people have done?  Shouldn't we honor them today by not just thinking of ourselves, but of others?

If we are to show our respect to those who sacrificed themselves so that we can be here today, shouldn't we show respect to one another?  Those who serve in the armed forces follow a code of honor:  "Honor is a matter of carrying out, acting, and living the values of respect, duty, loyalty, selfless service, integrity and personal courage in everything you do, according to the Army." (from the on line article  The code of honor; know it, embrace it  by Sandra Gibson and published in March of 2013.)  Should we not, at least for one day, follow this example?  Can we  at least on this Memorial Day show and live the respect, loyalty, service and integrity?  

In memory of all those who served, today, I encourage you to do all of the above.  Don't just fly your flag today, but honor those who fought for it. Actions speak louder than words or symbols.  ACT and HONOR today.


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