Looking to the Light

As high tech as my family can be, we still enjoy some simple pastimes that people did decades ago.  We've played Scrabble together. (Although not recently and the main reason for doing so was to help my son with spelling.)  In warmer weather, we eat outside when my husband grills.  And now that we're in the holiday season, we get into the car (ok, SUV) and drive around town to look at the lights.

Yes, people STILL do that.  Or at least we do.  And usually several times during the holidays.  I turn the radio on to the holiday station(s).  (Prefer Sirius XM Holiday Traditions, but since that doesn't go on air this year until Dec 10th, we've been tuning into Holly.)  Sometimes we don our "Santa Hats."  (Yes, we're that dorky!  And proud!)  We drive around for an hour or so.  I try to pick streets that I know have lots of lights/decorations.  (And since we've been doing this for several years, I know which streets are decorated more than others.)  I venture into new territories every year as well.  After all you need to keep it fresh!  If I notice something new and different on my drive home from work, you can bet that I'll make sure the guys get a chance to see it as well.

We probably go out 2-3 times between Thanksgiving and the New Year.  Usually on a Friday or Saturday night, but if there are no tests or quizzes scheduled for the next day, we've been known to drive around on a week night as well.  

We usually go out before dinner.  So when the stomachs start grumbling, I know it’s time to pack it in.  Sometimes our drive leads us to dinner; either at our local diner or picking something up along the way home.  (I never claimed that we ate healthy.)

With the advent of the Star Shower (AS SEEN ON TV!) last year, we started to count how many houses use this "new" phenomenon.  This year has brought us the Star Shower Motion; something we bought into ourselves.  (It meant no more climbing on the roof for my husband and that's a good thing.  No more standing outside the day after Thanksgiving while he climbed up ladders and holding my breath.  No more clutching the phone praying that I wouldn't have to dial 911.)  At this point it seems like the motion has overridden the traditional. (On our street alone there are 4 Star Shower Motions going, which is a lot considering there are only 14 houses on the block.)  On a recent foray out, my son proclaimed that he counted 24 Star Showers (both motion and tradition) in use.  This definitely means we'll have to go out again and see if we can "top" that number.

Driving around and enjoying the lights/holiday decorations is something we've all come to look forward to.  Its no/low cost (gas is still pretty inexpensive) and is a great way to bond as a family while getting into the holiday spirit.  Hokey?  Maybe.  Fun?  Definitely.

So are we the only family left in America that does this?  Anyone else out there?  Chime on in.  And if you haven't done it, might I suggest you try it.  Even for just a half an hour.  You might be surprised at how much fun you can have!


  1. We don't do a lot of driving at night, which means we sort of miss out on this. We need to plan a night to do it in the next couple weeks though. Oh and we have not 1, not 2 not 3, but 4 star showers at our house currently. 2 with motion and 2 without :)


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