Christmas (Eve) Word of the Day:


When you go to make your annual Christmas Eve alcoholic beverage, that you only make once a year and find you are missing one of the ingredients; you improvise.  Yes, it would have been early enough for me to run to the local liquor store for some blackberry brandy to make the beverage right, but the wallet is thin this holiday season, so just forget about it and add a little more blue curacao, peach schnapps and raspberry vodka to the pina colada mix along with lots of shaved ice. (Many years ago I bought a icee maker at a flea market.  One of the best expenditures of $15 ever.  For at least 10 years I have been using it Christmas Eve to make myself a bastardized version of a Blue adult frosty beverage that was sold at the now defunct Spoodles restaurant at Walt Disney World's Boardwalk Resort.)  And with no whipped cream to add to the top of it, I've just improvised once again and thrown in some cool whip.  And no, I haven't consumed it yet.  I pre-made it and it is sitting in a mug in my fridge waiting for me after this evening's Christmas Eve Service.

Improvisation is when you find out on Facebook that a (good) friend has gotten married today.  (SURPRISE).  Of course you want to call her, but you can't find her phone number.  (And even more embarrassing you can't remember her fiancĂ©/now husband's last name!)  So what do you do?   You call her mother and congratulate her. Why not?  Shouldn't the parents of the bride be congratulated?  (Even if they didn't attend the small simple ceremony, but they did know that it was going to happen.)  If you can't wish congratulations to the bride (and groom) and Merry Christmas too, you can at least do it for her wonderful parents.

Christmas IS all about improvisation. (Not to compare any of what I experienced above to the Christmas story...well, not really).  Think about it.  Mary and Joseph were all about improvisation!  Traveling miles away with an impending birth and finding no room at the inn.  (Or any of the inns.)  The greatest improvisation of all:  a holy birth in a manager on a star filled night.  And certainly the shepherds improvised when they left their flocks and went to go see the baby in the manager.  And those wise men...following a star in the sky.  Traveling in the dark of night with only the star to guide them.  Now that is improvisation.

Image result for christmas star

Merry Christmas to all (even if you don't celebrate).  And remember, when life hands you circumstances that you were expecting, IMPROVISE.  Without improvisation, how could there have been a Christmas story?


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